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10 Most in Demand Food Today Around the Globe: A Gastronomic View

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Food choices and demands are changing day in and day out. Culture, availability, health trends, and global trade have been some of the major factors bringing about this change. Amidst this age of connectivity, there are a few foods that find a place for them in diets across continents for the simple reason that they are really healthy, versatile, and taste buds friendly. Here’s a look at some of those most in demand foods around the world today.

  1. Rice

Rice finds a place as food for over half of the world’s population. It is such a versatile food and can complement a wide array of dishes that it has become a world favorite. Rice forms a daily part of Asian diets where it forms a base for almost most traditional meals. Types such as Basmati, Jasmine, and Arborio suit the varied culinary traditions that ensure rice’s domination of world diets.

  1. Wheat

Another globally dominant kind of food is wheat, mainly in the form of bread, pasta, and pastries. Western diet consists of an exceptionally huge amount of wheat-derived products; however catalogue does not just transcend geographical boundaries. Its prevalence in convenience foods and baked goods is a sure guarantee of its one of the staple foods in the diet, fielding necessary carbohydrates and energy.

  1. Chicken

Chicken has become really popular worldwide owing to its affordability, receptiveness to recipes, and health benefits associated with lean meat. It is consumed in cuisines ranging from the most ordinary American fried chicken to stir-fries in Asia or shawarmas in the Middle East. This growth in the poultry industry has made chicken quite accessible and a preferred choice for many.

  1. Potatoes

One of the reasons people love potatoes the most is that it’s such a versatile and nutrient-rich food. After all, they became a food staple in many diets around the world because potatoes can be prepared in various ways, from boiling and baking to mashing and frying. They are critically inherent in traditional dishes from Europe, North America, and South America, cultivation for which has been very easy, and storage is also convenient. Thus, international demand becomes greater.

  1. Soybeans

Due to the rapidly growing trend, popularity, and demand for plant-based diets, soybean tops this list. Soybean has wide application, ranging from tofu and tempeh to soy milk and edamame. Full of protein and enhanced with health benefits, soy becomes the core part of vegetarian and vegan diets and one of the key ingredients used by vegetarians and many Asian cuisines.

  1. Fish

Fish is the main source of protein and major nutrients for millions of people, particularly for coastal and island nations. Demand for fish has been on the rise due to the enhanced perception of its health benefits, such as omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, tuna, and cod occupy the top rank in this pedestal of fish types, easiest to find in the market in forms as diverse as sushi and grilled fillets.

  1. Tomatoes

As tomatoes get integrated into many cuisines, they automatically land in the category of the most used fruit across the globe. They form the base of various sauces like pasta, soups, and different salads. They add taste to food and support nutrition. The usage of tomatoes can be seen across cultures and continents—for example, pasta sauces in Italy, while in Mexico, it is seen in salsas, and in India in the form of curries.

  1. Corn

The versatility of corn is one of the reasons it has become one of the important food sources all around the globe. Corn is consumed as a vegetable or processed into cornmeal and corn syrup, aside from serving as animal feed. On the American continent, corn is a main component in ‘home-made’ consumable products like tortillas and arepas. Its use in the production of biofuels further raises its demand.

  1. Banana

One of the most consumed fruits in the world, bananas are treasured for their convenience, nutritional benefits, and sweetness. They are eaten daily by many and are staple produce in tropical countries where they grow. Rich in potassium and fiber, bananas are a great and healthy option for any age.

  1. Coffee

Beverages – well, more than that, really – coffee is a global phenomenon. Millions across the world kick-start their day with a cup of coffee. Actually, it happens to be one of the most traded commodities in the world. Demand for coffee is ever on the increase, be it due to its cultural importance or because of coffee shop cultures, varieties of coffee products on the rise, and the like.


These most widely consumed foods in the world include traditional core products, as well as changing dietary trends. Rice, wheat, chicken, and potatoes remain very tenacious in a number of diets, while popularization in plant-based food and health consciousness raises soybeans and fish to the required level of demand, which defines changing consumer taste. These demands shed light on the eating habits across the globe and their connectivity in food systems. These foods can be expected to form the staple of diets in a world where culinary trends are constantly changing and are hence likely to shape the future of food consumption globally.

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