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3 Farm Equipment Maintenance Hacks Every Farmer Needs to Know to Save Money

Picture the scene with you neck-deep in planting season when your trusty tractor decides to take its permanent vacation. Smoke starts tanging out of the hood, like ‘nother strange noise from that aforesaid engine, and your heart sinks faster than a stone in a well. What you know is coming is something that will make your wallet lighter than a feather.
By the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, the average for a farm equipment repair totals out about $1,200, not including parts! Now, imagine that happening multiple times a year. Yikes!
Now, for the good news: this doesn’t have to be your farming scenario. Farm equipment maintenance is where that magic happens. With a regular maintenance routine, you’ll dramatically reduce the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns, and with them, wallet-crushing repair bills.
This is all you need to know concerning farm equipment maintenance, from essential maintenance activities that must be done for sundry equipment to specific suggestions on creating a custom maintenance schedule. It helps you troubleshoot common problems before they get big and become major repairs. So, climb out of that pit of despair and follow us on the path to smooth running, cost-saving farm equipment!
Conquer Downtime and Extend Equipment Life—The Ultimate Guide to Schedules for Maintenance of Farm Equipment
For farmers, it is all about the uptime. If the tractor sputters to a stop or the combine decides to stall in the middle of harvest, this can mean lost crops and resources and wasted money—a big financial hit. That is where a proactive farm equipment maintenance schedule can help rescue the situation in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Why Proactive Schedules Rule the Farm
Imagine this: You are midthigh deep in harvesting your golden wheat when your combine coughs and splutters to a stop. Precious time goes ticking by as you diagnose the difficulty and scramble for repairs. The scenario is every farmer’s bad dream but a common ramification of reactive maintenance—fixing something only when it breaks.
Proactive maintenance turns that around. A scheduled plan of inspections, replacements, and adjustments keeps minor issues from snowballing into major breakdowns. Here’s how a proactive approach will benefit your farm:

Farm Equipment Maintenance Basics: A Quick Guide
Now that you’re armed with a template, let’s delve into some key maintenance tasks for common farm equipment:

Always consult your equipment’s operator’s manual for specific instructions and safety precautions before undertaking any maintenance task. Here are some general tips for tractor safety:

Specialty Toolkits for Particular Equipment
In addition to basic tool kits or boxes, consider purchasing specialty tool kits for your specific farm equipment. Often, one can find tools specifically made for adjusting, repairing, and maintenance work on specific models of tractors, mowers, planters, and other types of machinery.
With the right farm equipment maintenance tools on hand, you’re able to keep your operations humming, limiting downtown, ensuring that your valuable equipment can last for years to come. You’ll be avoiding a lot of stress if you take the time now and avoid a breakdown. Your wallet and your future self are going to thank you!

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