Are you in a toxic relationship?

A toxic relationship is referred to as one in which one or both partners engage in acts and interactions that cause harm, exhaustion, and damage. If a relationship is toxic, you may notice these indications.


if they are controlling, what you wear when you go out, about where you go and who you hang out with and also who you talk to like certain friends and family members, and constant criticism of your dreams, what you wear, how you look ,making you feel less of yourself and constantly manipulating you that something is wrong with you, its clear sign that you are being controlled.


whether is physical, verbal, mental or emotional ,hitting you, pushing ,throwing things at you .saying things that they know will make you upset . cursing at you , turning things around to make you the bad person when you are not in the wrong .cheating, all these are signs that your relationship is toxic and harmful to you and your well -being .

No progress

if you’ll have had bumps in the relationship and decided to keep pushing.. but you realised that nothing is working and changing and it’s been sometime, sis his not going to change.he will change when his ready and that is toxic and you don’t need that in your life.

there is no need to stay in an unhappy relationship, sometime it could be hard leaving someone you have spent so much time with, making him the center of your world , your safe space building emotional moment with and fostering in your time with this person , a lot of time leaving such attachment can and is hard .but no one deserve a constant manipulation or betray, often pain because of love, they say love enchant the soul and create space for peace, and a place to let your insecurity to feel comfortable and pretty not cry and resent your choices of been in a relationship.

relationships is a beautiful thing, and it primary function is for individuals to create bonds and to share loveable memories and to leave those beautiful smile in your life, some times this process can be hard leaving someone you have had fun moments with and have shared part of your life with can be a difficult process but taking that first step in to acceptance that you deserve better is all you need.

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