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80% Of All Computer Malfunctions Happen Because People. Do Not Update Drivers

In case you are among the Windows users out there who suffer from an annoyingly slow computer, strange errors, freezes and crashes — this article may be your best find of 2024.

But first thing first.

  1. According to Microsoft, 75% of errors, freezes, and crashes occur on computers with driver problems.
  2. 19 of 20 Americans never update drivers regularly
  3. And for most of them, the computer gets 5-10% slower every 6 months.

Has this happened to you?

It feels like you’re using your computer in the same way, but it’s getting slower. As if… all on its own.

How old is your computer?

Have you ever noticed that it runs a bit 10-20% slower than it did a year after its purchase? Five years later, it works 40% slower. Later, it is sent to the dump heaps as outdated, slow, and buggy junk.

Do you ever wonder WHY this happens?

It’s no plot by large corporations, no planned obsolescence. Actually, the solution has always been right under people’s nose; it’s just that few discuss it. You just need to update your drivers regularly.

Now, in the next 5 minutes I’ll be able to tell you what drivers are, how they have an impact on your computer’s condition, and how you can fix all problems with just a couple of clicks.
In a nutshell, it’s a set of instructions for the OS to use a particular device. And here come 3 major concerns about drivers:

  1. Drivers get outdated regularly

Manufacturers are constantly improving hardware and drivers so that you can use 100% of the capabilities of what’s in your laptop or system unit.

If you don’t update the drivers, you become out of date.

They offer you a 5% increase in speed — you don’t answer them, which means you refuse. Next month, they offer a new improvement, another 5% — you refuse.

So, on statistics, every 6 months, your computer slows down by 5-10%. Simply because you didn’t know beforehand that the drivers needed updating.

  1. Outdated drivers = vulnerability for hackers

But antiviruses do not guarantee 100% protection, whereas the most dangerous vulnerabilities are hidden in outdated drivers. In case they are hacked, the hardware manufacturer urgently releases an update—a new driver.

And you skip this update remaining vulnerable. Vulnerabilities lead to the appearance of extortion viruses and crypto miners, and other junk that can just remain unnoticed and slowdown your computer.

Some viruses do not manifest at all except by slowing the computer down, not attacking the computer directly but using it as their defense in cyber crimes.

  1. Drivers may be damaged or basically missing.

What if the computer doesn’t have any instructions on how to treat… a graphics card, for example? Obviously, it will figure out for itself with the PC, but it will use the hardware only at 10%.

And probably everyone faced problems with spoiled drivers. Has it ever happened that you plug in a mouse, and it doesn’t work? In 90% of all cases, this happens because drivers are faulty.

If you haven’t updated the drivers in 5 years, your computer can be 40% slower than usual

What can be done about it?
Option 1. Manually watch and update drivers on a regular basis.

Some do that. It’s tedious, long and dangerous if you download drivers not from the official manufacturer sites.

What is the complication of manual search:
• there are more than 35,000,000 drivers

Hence, you first need to find out the company which has developed your device. Then the driver itself of the latest version. After that, regularly go to the website of the manufacturer and look if something new appeared.

Option 2. Entrust this work to special update drivers or driver update programs.

For example, one such program is Outbyte Driver Updater.
Outbyte Driver Updater will run your PC with the view of its status—it will find all outdated, damaged, or missing drivers.


Outbyte Driver Updater will automatically update the outdated ones and remove damaged ones. Also, it can install the missing drivers.

Offloaded in a timely fashion, it will independently track the emergence of new drivers.

And in case of need, there is technical support available for Outbyte Driver Updater 24/7.

Outbyte Driver Updater — is a trustworthy and secure solution certified by cyber security AppEsteem and chosen by more than 4,900,000 users.

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