UK Politics: Prince Harry and Meghan arrived in Colombia after the vice president’s appointment. from a Netflix documentary.

Prince Harry and Meghan with vice president Francia Marquez, left, with Colombian folkloric dancers in Bogota. Pic: AP  attend a welcoming ceremony, accompanied by Colombia's Vice President Francia M..rquez, left, at the Delia Zapata National Arts Center, in Bogota, Colombia, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)
The Sussexes and vice president Francia Marquez left with Colombian dancers in Bogota.

Although it is intended that the tour will help exhibit Colombia’s cultural legacy, it is also hoped that it will call attention to the particular priorities of the Sussexes, such as the influence of the digital world on young people, the celebration of the military community, and the empowerment of women.

In what will be their second major overseas tour outside of the Royal Family, Prince Harry and Meghan have arrived in Colombia before continuing their journey.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex received a warm welcome from Francisco Marquez, the Vice President of the United States, when they spent four days at her private residence.

It is believed that the visit will not only help to highlight the cultural legacy of the country, but it will also bring attention to the couple’s personal priorities, which include the influence of the internet world on young people, the celebration of the military community, and the empowerment of women.

Pic: AP

In the days leading up to the visit, the Vice President explained that she had been motivated to send the invitation after viewing their Netflix documentary about leaving the Royal Family.

“[The documentary] moved me and made me say that this is a woman who deserves to come to our country to tell her story,” she added. “[The documentary] made me say that.” This conversation will unquestionably give a great number of women all over the world more power.

They will spend their first day in the Colombian capital of Bogota, where they will visit a school to speak with students at a session on online safety, take in a cultural exhibit, and attend a summit that Ms. Marquez is organising to discuss the urgent need to address the negative aspects of technology and digital platforms.

The fact that they chose to travel there has garnered a lot of attention, particularly due to concerns and worries about safety.

The United States travel advice for Colombia is at level 3, which encourages individuals to “reconsider travel.” On the other hand, the pair is currently stating that they do not believe it is safe for them to visit the United Kingdom after their police protection was lifted.

Simon Morgan, a former royal protection officer who is now a private security consultant, said they will receive local security in Colombia alongside their private team. However, this will only be the case because they were invited. This is what differentiates this situation from Harry’s personal trips to the United Kingdom, where he is not provided with security.

It is possible to go there, but you will need to put a lot more in place because of the nature of the environment and the current threat and risk in relation to Colombia, not only with the drug cartels but also with the far-left terrorists that are there as well. He said, “Even though it is not a place that you would go to and say, ‘Yes, it is ideal to go to,’ you can still go there.”

“Because [such organisations] will, in the end, look at this opportunity to bring humiliation to the government, promote destabilisation, and cause… And this is an excellent opportunity because the trip that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are planning to take to Colombia is going to be a global event; it is going to be the subject of attention, and as a result, it will shed light on the cartels and the far-left terrorist cause.

Prince Harry made unsuccessful attempts to appeal the High Court’s decision to reduce the level of security protection he has received since leaving the Royal Family and residing abroad in February.

On the other hand, he was later granted the chance to appeal.

The funeral of his uncle, Sir Robert Fellowes, is scheduled to take place in the United Kingdom this summer, but it is believed that he will not be returning to the country for the funeral. In May, he flew to London without Meghan.

Financially and emotionally, Mr. Morgan claims that it’s a very problematic situation.

According to him, the issue will always be a point of contention due to the duke’s lifelong familiarity with round-the-clock protection. It is often noted that the Royal Family enjoys protection from birth until death.

“He appreciates the benefits of having a consistent team by his side, as well as the access to various global resources that come with being a protected principal here in the UK.

“It’s a highly charged matter that evokes strong emotions from all parties involved.” Similar to an auditor, the presence of the Sussexes and the accompanying police officers poses logistical challenges for the Met Police, particularly with regards to officers being stationed outside of the UK.

“And it then becomes a legal issue as well regarding their entitlement to bear arms and the use of force. Wow, what a complicated problem.

According to Prince Harry in the recent ITV documentary Tabloids On Trial, he expressed concern about the potential risks for Meghan if she were to return to the UK.

He expressed concern about the potential for someone to act on the information they read, regardless of whether they use a knife or acid. This is a genuine worry for him. That’s one of the reasons why I won’t bring my wife back to this country.

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