Assad Family Decries US Decision to Fund Israeli Unit Linked to Elderly Palestinian American’s Death

The family of Omar Assad, an elderly Palestinian American who was killed by an Israeli army unit, is very upset and angry that the US government has decided to keep paying the unit that killed him. The ruling was called “unjust” by Omar Assad’s family, but they will not stop trying to get justice for their loved one.

In January 2022, Israeli forces stopped Omar Assad, who was 80 years old, at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank. He was tied down, choked, and left unconscious. He later died of what was thought to be a heart attack. Palestinians were furious about his death, and it made people worry about how Israeli troops are acting in the area. Even though the event was widely condemned, the US government has decided to keep giving money to the Israeli army unit that is suspected of killing him. This has made the Assad family feel cheated.

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Omar Assad’s family expresses devastation as the US continues funding the Israeli army unit involved in the elderly Palestinian American’s tragic death.

Assad Assad, who is Omar Assad’s nephew, said that the family was devastated by the US government’s position. In his words, the decision was an attack on justice and human rights, which are ideals that the US says it supports. The family is even more upset that the US government has not held the Israeli military answerable for Omar Assad’s death but has instead continued to back the unit that killed him.

The US government’s choice has also brought up old arguments about the US’s long-term military help to Israel. Some people are against this aid because they say it lets Israeli forces break human rights laws in the occupied Palestinian areas, where many groups have found violations. For the Assad family, the fact that the US government is still giving money to the group shows that the lives of Palestinians, even those who are US citizens, are not important to the US government.

Even though the US government made a choice, Omar Assad’s family has promised to keep fighting for justice. They promised that they would use all legal and diplomatic options to find and punish those guilty for his death. The family of Omar Assad thinks that the fact that the Israeli soldiers who killed him won’t be punished only encourages more abuse of Palestinians.

Heartbreak and betrayal: The Assad family vows to seek justice after the US government’s decision to fund the Israeli unit linked to Omar Assad’s killing.

Human rights activists have also said that the US government’s choice is wrong because they think it doesn’t do enough to fix the problems that run through the Israeli military. They say that giving money without expecting anything in return only keeps the cycle of violence and impunity going in the area. To the Assad family, the decision feels like a personal betrayal because they had thought that being American would protect them and give them justice.

Even though they’ve had setbacks, the Assad family is still eager to get Omar Assad justice. They hope that their continued work will not only honour his memory but also bring attention to bigger problems that Palestinians living under rule face. The family’s determination comes from wanting to keep other families from going through the same loss and pain they have.

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The fight for justice continues: Omar Assad’s relatives slam the US for supporting the Israeli military unit responsible for his death.

After what they consider to be a “unjust” choice, the Assad family is still looking for justice. They are determined that Omar Assad’s death is not forgotten and that those responsible are held responsible.

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