Laolu Gbenjo on Musical Diversity: ‘If Everyone Sang Gospel, the World Would Be Boring’

The famous gospel singer Laolu Gbenjo recently talked about why he thinks it’s important to have different kinds of music. In an interview with Channels Television’s “The Morning Brief,” Gbenjo said it would be dull if everyone only sang religious music. He talked about how different kinds of music are needed to fit different times and feelings in life. He stressed that gospel music has a special place but is not the only type of music people should listen to.

Laolu Gbenjo, who is known for making lively church songs that mix traditional and modern sounds, talked about how different types of music can change people’s lives. He really likes gospel music and how it makes people feel better, but he also said that sometimes the serious or spiritual tone of gospel music isn’t needed. He said that music styles like Afrobeat, R&B, and jazz are useful because they provide the right soundtrack for different events, like parties, relaxation, and even quiet times of thought.

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The church singer talked about how different kinds of music bring people together and make life better. Gbenjo said that while religious music feeds the soul and boosts faith, other types of music are also very important for making life more colourful and lively. He said, “Our world would be boring if everyone sang gospel.” Gbenjo thinks that the beauty of music is in how different it is, and that each type of music brings something special to the world.

Even though Gbenjo thinks that different types of music are important, he is still very passionate about church music. He said that as a gospel singer, his goal is to keep using his music to spread words of love, faith, and hope. He also talked about how gospel music is changing in Nigeria. He said that artists like himself are mixing traditional gospel sounds with modern ones to reach more people. According to Gbenjo, this change helps to keep gospel music fresh and appealing to younger viewers while still keeping its spiritual message.

Gbenjo also talked about how music changes people during the chat. In his speech, he said that all kinds of music can change people’s feelings, broaden their views, and bring them together. He thinks that even though church music is very important for spiritual growth, other types of music also help by giving people a way to express their joy, dance, and even think about their own lives.

Fans and music lovers talked about Laolu Gbenjo’s words, and many of them agreed with his point of view on how important it is to have a wide range of music styles. Many people who like different kinds of music agreed with what he said: “If everyone sang gospel, our world would be boring.” Fans liked how open the artist was and how he saw the value in other types of music, even though he still supports religious music.

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As Laolu Gbenjo continues to work in the church music business, his awareness of other types of music shows that he knows how to make music appealing to everyone. Even though church is still his main interest, his love of other types of music shows that he thinks all kinds of music are important to shaping the human experience.

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