Trump makes a strange claim that Democrats are looking to ban cows and windows in buildings.

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Over the weekend, Donald Trump informed his campaign supporters for a second presidential term that his Democratic rivals aim to prohibit cows and windows in buildings, prompting further enquiries regarding his mental acuity.

“They propose initiatives such as eliminating cattle and removing windows from buildings,” stated the Republican White House nominee during a campaign event with Hispanic voters in Las Vegas on Saturday. “They have developed some impressive strategies for this country.”

“To be frank, their actions are irrational, and they are significantly detrimental to our nation.”

The presidential campaign of Kamala Harris responded to the remarks on social media, stating, “A confused Trump goes on a delusional rant.”

Additional critics of Trump mirrored the Democratic vice president’s assessment, characterising the outburst as “stunningly senile” and “incoherent.”

The Democratic Party of Nevada expressed disapproval of the former president, stating, “Trump visited and challenged the values of Nevadans while making incoherent remarks about cows and windows.”

On Saturday, the former president reiterated his claims that Democrats have intentions to eliminate cows, a narrative he has presented previously.

During a rally earlier this summer, Trump asserted that Harris would implement legislation to prohibit red meat if she were to be elected. He stated, “You understand the implications—that indicates the absence of cows moving forward.”

Trump has stated in recent years that the progressive Democrats’ comprehensive climate initiative, the Green New Deal, would lead to the eradication of cattle.

In 2020, he stated that the Green New Deal “would crush our farms, destroy our wonderful cows.”

“I have a strong appreciation for bovines.” There is an intention to eliminate our cattle. Are you aware of the rationale behind this? Are you aware of the reasoning behind this? Refrain from expressing that. There is an intention to eliminate our cattle. “This indicates that you are the subsequent subject,” he stated.

The Green New Deal, partially introduced by progressive Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, delineates comprehensive principles aimed at addressing inequity and combating climate change, with the objective of initiating a reduction in the United States’ dependence on fossil fuels that contribute to detrimental global warming.

The resolution does not advocate for the cessation of animal agriculture. However, it necessitates a collaborative approach with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector to the maximum extent that technology allows.

While it indicates a need to lower agricultural emissions, Ocasio-Cortez stated in 2019 that this does not imply eliminating cattle.

The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that approximately 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are attributable to the agricultural sector, which encompasses emissions from cattle, soil management, and rice cultivation.

Trump’s perplexing statements regarding Democrats’ alleged desire to eliminate cows and windows from buildings on Saturday occurred merely two days prior to another unusual incident in this campaign cycle.

On Monday, during a town hall event in Oaks, Pennsylvania, Trump remained on stage for approximately 30 minutes, swaying and bobbing his head to the music, following interruptions related to a medical emergency.

During the same event, despite his election against Harris being scheduled for 5 November, he urged the audience to cast their votes on “January 5 or before,” which led to renewed online criticism regarding Trump’s cognitive health.

Harris published a medical report indicating that the primary elements of her health history included seasonal allergies and hives. “She demonstrates the necessary physical and mental resilience to effectively fulfil the responsibilities of the presidency,” according to the report, should she be elected in November.

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A senior aide to Harris, 59, indicated that the vice president’s advisers perceived the disclosure of her health report and medical history as an opportunity to highlight concerns regarding Trump’s physical fitness and mental acuity.

On Sunday, over 230 medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers, urged the 78-year-old Trump to disclose his medical records, contending that transparency regarding his health is essential as he aims to become the oldest president elected.

“In the absence of recent health disclosures from Donald Trump, we must rely on public appearances for our analysis,” the doctors stated in a public letter. “In that regard, Trump is significantly underperforming relative to established benchmarks of suitability for office and exhibiting troubling signs of diminishing cognitive sharpness.”

Trump has persistently refrained from providing comprehensive information regarding his health throughout his public career. On Tuesday, the former president utilised his Truth social media platform to assert that his health “is perfect—no problems!”

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