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Anxiety Caused by Sexual Performance

Anxiety Caused by Sexual Performance.

Sex is supposed to be joyful, but it’s difficult to have fun when you’re constantly concerned about how well you’re doing. If you want to put the glitter back in your love relationship, find out why you may be experiencing sexual performance anxiety and receive some techniques to help you relax.

Causes of Sexual Performance Anxiety

There’s more to sex than just a bodily reaction. Your feelings also play a role in this. Your body cannot become enthusiastic about sex while your mind is too anxious to concentrate on it.

There are variety of worries that can contribute to the issue:

These factors have the potential to cause your body to release stress hormones such as norepinephrine and adrenaline.


Your state of mind can have a big impact on your ability to get aroused. Even if you’re with someone who you find sexually appealing, worrying about whether you’ll be able to please your partner can make it impossible for you to do just that.

Narrowing of the blood arteries is one of the impacts of stress hormones. It becomes more challenging to get an erection when there is less blood flow to the penis. When sexual performance anxiety takes control, even individuals who typically have no problem getting excited might not be able to achieve an erection.

Sexual performance anxiety isn’t diagnosed as often in women as it is in men, but it can affect arousal in women, too. Anxiety can prevent women from getting lubricated enough to have sex, and it can take away the physical desire to make love.

Anxiety can take you out of the right mind-set for sex. When you’re focused on whether you’ll perform well, you can’t concentrate on what you’re doing in bed. Even if you are able to get aroused, you may be too distracted to reach orgasm.

Sexual performance anxiety leads to a cycle of troubles. You might become so anxious about sex that you can’t perform, which leads to even more sexual performance anxiety.

How to Overcome Anxiety Over Sexual Performance

Consult a physician, or someone you feel comfortable enough to talk to about your sexual life, if you suffer from anxiety related to sexual performance. To rule out the possibility that a medical condition or medication is the root of your issues, the doctor will evaluate you and order certain tests.

In order to determine how long you’ve experienced anxiety related to sexual performance and what kinds of thoughts are interfering with your sex life, your doctor will inquire about your sexual history during the examination.

Treatment options for erectile dysfunction and other physical-based sexual dysfunctions include medications and other therapy. If a medical condition isn’t the cause, your doctor might advise you to attempt any of the following methods:

Communicate honestly with your spouse: You can feel some relief from your worry by discussing it with your partner. Seeking a solution together can strengthen your bond as a couple and enhance your sex life.

Take a break: Play a seductive film or some romantic music while you make love. Consider an attraction that piques your interest. The anxieties that prevent you from being enthusiastic can be eliminated by diverting your attention from your sexual performance.

Speak with a therapist: Schedule a session with a therapist or counselor who specializes in addressing sexual issues. Therapy can help you understand and then reduce or get rid of the issues that are causing your sexual performance anxiety. For example, you can attempt these strategies that help you acquire greater control if you are concerned about premature ejaculation.

Make other intimate gestures:  Learn how to be intimate without sexual intercourse. Give your partner a sensual massage or take a warm bath together. Take turns pleasing each other with masturbation so you don’t always have to feel pressured to perform sexually.

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