Argentina’s Senate Approves Milei’s Economic Reform Bill Amid Protests and Clashes

Argentina’s Senate Passes Milei’s Economic Reform Bill Amid Protests and Clashes

Argentina’s Senate narrowly approved President Javier Milei’s comprehensive economic reform bill, marking a significant yet contentious legislative achievement for the right-wing leader. The bill, which aims to overhaul the country’s economic policies, was met with fierce opposition both within the Senate and among the public.

As lawmakers debated the reform bill, tensions erupted outside the National Congress building in Buenos Aires. Protesters, vehemently opposed to the proposed economic changes, clashed with anti-riot police. The confrontations escalated, with officers deploying tear gas and water cannons to control the crowds. Amid the chaos, a car was set ablaze, symbolizing the intense dissent and unrest among the demonstrators.

The economic reform bill, championed by Milei, includes measures intended to liberalize the economy, reduce public spending, and attract foreign investment. These changes are seen by supporters as necessary steps to stabilize Argentina’s troubled economy and combat persistent issues such as inflation and unemployment. However, critics argue that the reforms could lead to increased inequality and social instability, disproportionately affecting the nation’s most vulnerable populations.

Milei’s administration faces a challenging road ahead as it seeks

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