Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shut down Flat Earthers; he had a little epiphany.

The well-known television personality appeared in a StarTalk channel YouTube video. When the subject was brought up, he stated his dislike of the notion and attempted to reject it once and for all.

This is an ancient and outmoded viewpoint that has been refuted, and the Flat Earth theory basically believes that the globe is a flat disc surrounded by ice.

Individuals who subscribe to the theory are known as “Flat Earthers,” and they make decisions based on their own senses and observations rather than scientific facts wherever available.

Many people assume that photographs like this are fake. (Image: Getty)

They have asserted on multiple occasions that the world’s most important scientific bodies, like as NASA, are purposefully misleading the general public about the spherical shape of the Earth.

“What is odd is that there are people who think the Earth is flat but recognise that the Moon is round; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the sun are all spheres,” Tyson told the audience. “It is hard for me to believe that people still believe in the theory.”

However, the earth is flat. He stated that “something doesn’t square.”

The physicist claimed that the vast majority of observable objects in space are round, with only a few appearing to be flattened. He argued that the principles of physics and space processes “favour the sphere.”

He kept going: “And if something is not a sphere and is a little flattened, you can ask what flattened it, and you find out that it is rotating very quickly.”

As a result, it gradually flattens out over time. As a result, the great bulk of the universe can be represented as either a sphere or a light distortion of a sphere, depending on what else is happening to it.

It is plain to see that the universe takes a preference for spheres.”

When co-host Chuck Nice brought up the subject, Tyson reacted with a plain but firm remark, ultimately putting an end to Flat Earthers for good. He did this while also criticising the fundamental problems of free speech for the idea’s continued relevance.

The Earth is a spherical planet that revolves, and we have footage of it from space. He said, “The earth is round.”

Tyson then went on to criticise the United States’ educational system, claiming that it fails to teach students how to think critically.

“Not only does our system need to teach you what you should know, but it also needs to teach you how to think about information, knowledge, and evidence,” the professor said.

“If you do not have that kind of training, you will be able to believe anything and run around thinking it’s true.”


On the other hand, the Flat Earth Society considers itself to be a serious movement because they assert that they hope to promote the dissemination of ideas and the exercise of free thought.

According to what is said on their website, “Flat Earth Theory has grown over the centuries like a wandering sojourner hungry for truth and eager for discovery.” This theory has been around since at least 1865.

“It has evolved from the learnt conjectures presented by our ancestors in ancient times to the polymaths of the Victorian era, such as Dr. Samuel Birley Rowbotham, and it even persists now in a grassroots effort of scholarship that is being carried out all across the world.

“As people walked through the ages collecting data and knowledge, the Flat Earth Theory walked with them, growing wise and robust in kind,” they continue. “The theory has maintained its integrity throughout the ages.”

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