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Boats carrying more than 700 people reached the UK in a single day, according to fresh data.

Boats carrying more than 700 people reached the UK in a single day, according to fresh data.

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A dinghy carrying migrants headed towards England earlier this month.

Sir Keir Starmer has made a commitment to “smash the gangs,” which are employed to transport migrants across the Channel in small boats and are paid hundreds of dollars for each individual migrant.

Over seven hundred people arrived in the United Kingdom on Sunday after successfully crossing the Channel in eleven boats, making this the largest number of migrants to arrive in the country since the Labour Party seized control of the government.

There were a total of 703 people found entering the premises yesterday, according to information that the Home Office made public on Monday. Additionally, this number is the third highest for the year in question.

Considering that there were eleven boats discovered, it may be deduced that each boat had around sixty-four people on board.

On Sunday, two migrants were killed while attempting to cross the Channel. The migration attempt was unsuccessful.

When they were in French waters, the small boat that they were riding in sent a distress signal to the regional coastguard centre. The centre was able to receive this signal.

With the assistance of a helicopter and two boats, it was estimated that roughly fifty migrants were rescued from the boat. The French maritime regional authorities have stated that “many” of the migrants were rescued from the ocean with “fuel burn injuries.” All of the migrants were rescued.

Those individuals who were rescued were safely returned to France, and the count is currently conducting an investigation into the circumstances behind the deaths of the two individuals.

The current provisional estimate for the total number of people arriving in the United Kingdom in small boats in the year 2024 is 18,342.

This is a 13% increase from the previous year’s point in time, when 16,170 had crossed the threshold.

On the other hand, it is three percent lower than the number of 18,978 that was recorded at this level in 2022.

The largest number of people that crossed the border in a single day this year was 882 on June 18th, while the second highest number was 711 on May 1st. Both of these numbers were recorded before the general election on July 4th.

Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has pledged to “smash the gangs” by establishing a new Border Security Command in order to combat people-smuggling gangs that provide migrants with passage across the Channel.

In accordance with the Counter Terrorism Act, officers will be granted new powers that will enable them to carry out financial investigations, conduct stop and search operations at the border, and issue search and seizure warrants that are directed at organised immigration crime.

Sir Keir has also declared that he will provide £84 million to nations in Africa and the Middle East in an effort to combat the migration crisis “at source” since he became the new Prime Minister.

According to Sir Keir, the funds will be allocated to programmes aimed at improving health and education, as well as providing assistance to humanitarian organisations, in order to address the causes that led people to escape their homeland in the first place.

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