Bobrisky Shuts Down Prison Rumors: “I Was Never In Prison”

Recent rumours about Nigerian crossdresser and social media star Bobrisky being jailed were shot down when she said the rumours were false. Bobrisky, whose real name is Idris Okuneye, took to social media to clear the air after a friend said something on one of his posts that made it sound like he was in jail. As usual, Bobrisky spoke his mind and confirmed the fan’s claim that he had never been to prison, putting an end to the rumours.

Online, the rumours spread, and people started to wonder where Bobrisky was after he wasn’t active on his social media accounts for a short time. But the well-known influencer made it clear that these claims were false by saying that he has never been to jail. Bobrisky, who is known for being brave and living a fancy life, didn’t hold back in his answer and confidently shut down the false reports.

After a fan posted on a post defending Bobrisky against the claims, he made it clear what he meant. The fan boldly said that Bobrisky had never been to jail, and the transgender woman answered, “Yes, I have never been in jail.” This clear statement put an end to the rumours and made Bobrisky’s position on the subject clear again. 

Bobrisky is used to being in trouble because she is often in the news. His unique identity and public image have been talked about and debated a lot in Nigeria and other places. Even though Bobrisky has had to deal with problems and complaints, he has built up a huge fan base on social media, where he continues to entertain and inspire millions of people. Some people love Bobrisky’s posts, beauty tips, and lifestyle, while others don’t. One thing is for sure, though: he knows how to stay in the spotlight.

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The celebrity has been in a lot of trouble lately, and the rumours that she was going to jail were just the latest. However, Bobrisky’s quick and sure reaction shows that he can handle these kinds of situations with ease. His fans, who have always been loyal, quickly rallied behind him, expressing their support in the comment parts of his posts. A lot of people praised Bobrisky for dealing with the problem directly and not letting the rumours spread.

It doesn’t matter how many problems there are with the crossdresser; his impact keeps growing. Bobrisky has turned his bold personality into a successful brand, with a lot of marketing deals, social media promotions, and a lot of fans who can’t wait to see what he does next. Being on social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat has made him one of the most talked-about people in Nigeria.

Recently, Bobrisky put an end to the jail rumours. This is another example of how he continues to control the story of his life. His business sense and knowledge of how to connect with his audience show in his ability to stay relevant in a world where social media is always changing. Bobrisky is still a major player in the Nigerian entertainment industry, whether she’s telling jokes, giving beauty tips, or answering rumours.

Finally, Bobrisky’s statement that he has never been to jail puts an end to the online rumours that were going around. His quick and firm reaction not only stops the false reports, but it also shows that he is sure of how to handle how people see him. Bobrisky is still one of the most powerful and tough people in the Nigerian entertainment business, thanks to his devoted fans who stand by him.

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