Cardi B stands up for Tyla over her VMAs moment with Halle Bailey

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The twenty-fourth annual MTV Video Music Awards took place last week, serving to recognise and celebrate exceptional musicians and performers globally. The presence of Tyla at the event has generated a notable level of criticism. Cardi B has expressed her agreement with the South African musician’s stance in light of the ongoing discussions surrounding her.

A notable event occurred when Tyla ascended the stage to receive her accolade for Best Afrobeats Video. This moment has garnered the focus of all individuals present in the room. At present, all observations are concentrated on this singular moment. As she prepared to deliver her acceptance speech, she passed her trophy to Lil Nas X and remarked, “You all know my history with holding awards; I’m not quite capable.” She indicated that she lacks the physical capability to sustain the weight of the trophy. Thank you for your assistance, and kindly proceed.

The viral incident elicited a range of responses, with certain viewers labelling Tyla’s desire for another individual to manage her award as “rude.” The artist hailing from the Bronx attended a recent session of X Spaces to articulate her viewpoint and offer a comprehensive analysis of the realities associated with such situations when experienced firsthand. This action was executed with regard to the previously outlined considerations.

The presence of a 10-pound award in your hand necessitates a dual focus on delivering a speech effectively while maintaining an impressive appearance simultaneously. Cardi B remarked, “At this juncture, it appears you may not fully grasp the substantial weight of those awards.”

Furthermore, Cardi B contributed her perspective to the discourse surrounding Tyla’s height, suggesting that she believed the trophy could have been “too heavy” for an individual of her stature to handle effectively.

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I had the opportunity to meet Tyla in person. The artist from the album Invasion of Privacy states, “I am 5 feet three inches tall, indicating that I am already of shorter stature, and she is shorter than I am.” While her physique is impressive, she is notably very slender. That statement is not inaccurate. Mariah has been assessed as being on the lower end of the weight spectrum. The required weight is approximately 109 pounds. For a brief moment, envision yourself as an individual weighing 109 pounds, tasked with wearing heels while simultaneously managing the weight of a ten-pound trophy. When she enquired about Lil Nas X, her approach was quite literal. You are trying to rephrase this into a question akin to “To what extent is she impolite?” Should she be the one offering assistance, she stipulated that another female artist manage her award in a similar fashion. Although I hold a significant amount of affection for Halle, she did not even enquire about having the reward accepted! To facilitate her needs, she requested a male individual named Lil Nas X to assist by holding it for her.

In the concluding segment of her address, Cardi B articulated her observations regarding the characteristics of women hailing from the Caribbean and Africa. She highlighted the distinct attributes and competencies inherent to each of these groups of women.

She began by asserting, “The aspect regarding her that you all perceive as ‘uppity,’ allow me to clarify something,” before referencing her elder sister, whom she identified as “Nicky Nicky.” She proceeded to express that her thoughts were focused on her older sister. A significant population comprises individuals from the Caribbean, alongside a notable demographic of Africans, particularly young women. My sister has consistently exhibited a high level of self-confidence, a tendency towards heightened reactivity, and an exuberant disposition throughout her life, attributable to her inherent personality traits.

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