UK Politics: Thousands of people have failed to claim their pension credit due to the changes, prompting an awareness drive.

In the past, the tax-free benefit was accessible to all individuals who had reached state pension…

UK Business: Complaints of exploitation from foreign care workers in the UK have increased sixfold.

Foreign social care workers reporting being caught in exploitative contracts have increased sixfold in the last…

UK Politics: A poll indicates that 50% of voters believe that Nigel Farage, the leader of the Reform Party, is culpable for the riots.

When it comes to the blame that voters attribute to the far-right riots, the leader of…

UK business: Housebuilders Barratt and Redrow are moving forward with their £2.5bn merger, despite concerns about competition.

The merger is likely to result in the loss of approximately ten percent of jobs across…

UK Entertainment: Katie Price’s TikTok earnings were put on hold due to a bankruptcy controversy.

As part of the efforts to pay off money owing to her as a result of…

UK Politics: UK infrastructure has declined over the past decade, and Labour’s autumn budget should rectify this.

Manufacturers claim that the economy is suffering as a result of the deteriorating transportation system, with…

UK Riots: Emergency measures regarding jail overpopulation are implemented in England.

Ministers have implemented emergency steps to relieve jail overcrowding as more rioters are punished for their…

UK Business: Annual energy costs in the UK may reach £1,714 in the winter.

During the period of October through the end of December, experts from Cornwall Insight anticipate a…

UK culture: London Zoo has decided to take down a piece of Banksy’s artwork.

The zoo has stated that the sculpture, which depicted a gorilla, has been taken for “safekeeping”…

UK Politics: A NEC member calls Labour ‘incapable of confronting racism and Islamophobia’ amid far-right attacks.

An individual who is a member of the Labour government’s own national committee has asserted, in…