• Don’t lie or mislead people; always be truthful.
  • Never break your word- once you commit to anything, stick through.
  • Have a lifelong desire- Never give up on promoting and enhancing yourself.
  • Treat women with decency and respect-show them your respect.
  • Be cautious of how you look-wear clothes that fit and practice good personal hygiene.
  • Be committed and support your loved ones..
  • Develop self-sufficiency – competence in self-care.
  • Be responsible – Be accountable for your actions and the results they produce.
  • Acquire the skill of forgiving others-harboring resentment will ultimately fail you.
  • Give respect towards elderly people – listen to their wisdom and advice.
  • Remain modest – avoid boasting or gloating about your achievements.
  • Show confidence – have faith in your skills and abilities.
  • Have patience – good things happen to those who patient.
  • Rather than being a bully – treat others with kindness and love
  • Be an attentive listener – engage in what others are trying to say.
  • Act with truthfulness: do the correct thing even when no one is looking.
  • Be diligent: exercise self-control and focus on what you want.
  • Maintain an open mind – think about additional points of view and thoughts.
  • Express thankfulness – appreciate everyone and things in your life

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