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China’s Factory Output Disappoints as Property Sector Remains in Doldrums

China’s May Industrial Output Slows to 5.6% as Property Sector Struggles Despite Policy Efforts

In may China’s industrial output in May rose by 5.6%, a decrease from April’s 6.7%, signaling a slower-than-expected recovery. Despite significant policy efforts, the property sector continues to decline, adding pressure on Beijing to implement further measures to stimulate growth.

Industrial Output Growth Slows

In May, China’s industrial output increased by 5.6%, falling short of April’s 6.7% growth. This deceleration highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the manufacturing sector as it strives to regain momentum.

Retail Sales Show Improvement

On a positive note, retail sales saw a boost, rising by 3.7% in May compared to 2.3% in April. This uptick suggests a gradual recovery in consumer spending, providing a glimmer of hope for overall economic activity.

Manufacturing Investment Remains Robust

Despite the slowdown in industrial output, manufacturing investment remains robust, driven by supportive government policies. This indicates a continued commitment to strengthening the sector and ensuring long-term industrial growth.

Property Sector Woes Persist

However, the property sector continues to struggle, with key data points showing further deterioration. Despite policy interventions aimed at stabilizing the market, the downturn in the property sector persists, posing a significant challenge to China’s economic stability.

Economic Outlook

The mixed economic data underscores the complexities of China’s recovery process. While retail sales and manufacturing investment show signs of resilience, the lagging industrial output and persistent property sector issues highlight the need for sustained policy support to bolster growth.


China’s economic landscape in May presents a mixed picture. As industrial output growth slows and the property sector remains troubled, Beijing faces increasing pressure to implement additional measures to stimulate the economy and achieve sustainable growth.

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