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Complaint about child privacy on TikTok referred to US Justice Department

Again, one of the most popular social media sites out there, TikTok is mired in a controversy. This time, it has to do with serious allegations of children’s privacy. With the complaint referred for further investigation by the U.S. Justice Department, the platform rising through the roof in the digital world implores the cardinal understanding of the implications of allegations and what that means for users, mainly minors.

Brief Overview: The Complaint

The complaint to the FTC against TikTok was originally lodged by several child advocacy groups, including the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and the Center for Digital Democracy. These groups accused TikTok of violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, a federal law designed to protect the privacy of children under the age of thirteen.

Key Allegations

  1. Data collection practices:
    The biggest accusation, however, is that TikTok has been harvesting personal information about children without getting proper consent from their parents—in clear breach of COPPA.
    Data allegedly collected includes names, email address locations—things that can be used to trace and target young users.
  2. Inadequate Deletion Procedures:
    Another key allegation is that TikTok did not delete personal information uploaded by kids under the age of 13 upon parent request.
    The non-compliance with deletion requests further exacerbates the violation of privacy practices within the said platform.
  3. Deceptive practices:
    It also points out that the consent mechanisms of TikTok are deceptive and not transparent enough to allow a parent or guardian to make an informed choice.

Past Legal Issues

This isn’t the first time TikTok has landed in hot water for child privacy concerns. Just two years ago, the Federal Trade Commission had levied a $5.7 million fine on TikTok—instantly Musical.ly—for comparable infringements of COPPA. This new claim likely accused the corporation of continuing to ignore its promised development of privacy practices.

The Justice Department’s Role

To put this in serious consideration, a major escalation is represented by referring the complaint to the U.S. Justice Department. This would then imply that the allegations are not light issues but may have major legal implications for TikTok if it actually did those things.

Potential Consequences for TikTok

  1. Hefty Fines:
    • If the Justice Department finds TikTok to be in violation, COPPA could help mete out heavy financial fines against them.
      -The fines could be far larger than the $5.7 million imposed in 2019, thus indicating that the violation is of a serious nature and has been repeated.
  2. Tighter Monitoring and Regulation:
    -The conviction would most probably result in stricter monitoring and regulation on TikTok in the US.
  1. Reputational risk
    • Frivolous lawsuits and allegations about selling children’s info will damage the image of TikTok.
    • Further litigation and allegations of selling children’s information may make parents become more cautioning regarding exposal of their children to the application. This can result in a loss to the user based and growth for TikTok.

Broader Implications for Social Media

The case places in the limelight growing concerns about how social media companies treat privacy and data of their youngest users. It serves as a warning to other platforms that it is critical to observe threshold standards of the law, with the protection of privacy at the top of the list of priorities.


The decision to refer the child privacy complaint against TikTok to the U.S. The Justice Department lawsuit is, then, a real landmark in the continuing debate on protecting digital privacy as it relates to children. Indeed, as this case evolves, it shall be very important to note its impact not only on TikTok but further across the broader landscape of social media regulation. Parents, guardians, and other users must remain informed and vigilant to ensure that their privacy is well taken care of, as it is with their children.

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