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Concerns Over China Drive India’s Pursuit of Cobalt in Disputed Ocean Territories

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“India Rushes to Secure Cobalt-Rich Underwater Mountain Amid China and Sri Lanka Competition in Indian Ocean

India is urgently seeking exploration rights for a cobalt-rich underwater mountain in the Indian Ocean, driven by strategic concerns and the need to secure essential minerals for its growing industries. This ambitious bid has encountered competition from Sri Lanka, which also aims to mine the region for its valuable resources.

The urgency behind India’s application is fueled by fears over China’s expanding influence in the Indian Ocean. China, the world’s second-largest economy, already dominates the global cobalt supply chain, a critical component for batteries in electric vehicles and various electronic devices. Indian officials and analysts have expressed concerns that allowing China to further consolidate its control over cobalt resources could have significant geopolitical and economic implications.

In its quest to secure these underwater rights, India is navigating a complex landscape of international maritime laws and regional rivalries. The contested area, rich in cobalt and other precious minerals, represents a strategic asset that could bolster India’s technological and industrial capabilities. By securing these resources, India aims to reduce its dependence on Chinese cobalt supplies and enhance its position in the global tech economy.

Sri Lanka’s interest in the same region adds another layer of complexity. The island nation, strategically located in the Indian Ocean, sees the potential mining of cobalt as a lucrative opportunity to boost its economy. This has led to a situation where both India and Sri Lanka are vying for rights, potentially leading to diplomatic negotiations or conflicts over the underwater treasure.

The outcome of this race for cobalt is crucial not only for India and Sri Lanka but also for the broader geopolitical dynamics in the Indian Ocean region. As both nations push forward with their claims, the international community will be watching closely, understanding that the control of such valuable resources can shift the balance of power and economic influence in this strategically important part of the world.”

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