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Democrats Doubt Biden’s Chances, But He Might Be Their Only Option

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Democrats Question Biden’s 2024 Prospects, But Alternatives Seem Limited

In a recent Senate Democratic lunch, three of President Joe Biden’s senior aides presented both internal and external polls indicating that the 2024 presidential race remains within a margin of error. Their goal was to bolster support for Biden’s embattled campaign amid growing concerns about his re-election prospects. Despite these efforts, the meeting, which included senior advisers Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti, and Jen O’Malley Dillon, highlighted significant anxiety among senators about Biden’s ability to secure a second term, defeat former President Donald Trump, and the potential negative impact his low approval ratings could have on other Democratic candidates.

A Troubling Internal Dialogue

According to five individuals familiar with the meeting, which took place under the condition of anonymity, the session was difficult and emotional. Senators expressed their doubts about Biden’s stamina and capacity to serve another four years, given his age and current performance. They also voiced concerns about the electoral challenges ahead, particularly in light of Biden’s struggling poll numbers.

Polls Reflect Tight Race

The aides’ presentation showed that the presidential race is still competitive, with Biden’s campaign running neck-and-neck with potential Republican challengers, including Trump. This data was intended to reassure senators that Biden remains a viable candidate, despite widespread public skepticism and a media narrative focusing on his weaknesses.

Concerns Over Down-Ballot Impact

One of the key issues raised during the meeting was the potential down-ballot effect of Biden’s unpopularity. Senators worried that if Biden’s approval ratings do not improve, it could jeopardize the chances of Democrats running for congressional seats and other positions. This fear is particularly pronounced given the slim margins by which Democrats currently hold control in various branches of government.

The Age Factor

Biden’s age was a central topic of discussion. At 81 years old by the time of the next election, concerns about his health and energy levels are front and center. These worries are compounded by public gaffes and moments of apparent frailty that have been widely publicized and criticized. Some senators questioned whether Biden has the vitality to handle the rigors of another presidential campaign and subsequent term.

Lack of Clear Alternatives

Despite these concerns, the Democrats face a dilemma: there is no clear alternative to Biden who could unify the party and mount a successful campaign against a strong Republican contender. Potential challengers within the party lack the national profile, experience, or broad appeal needed to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee. This leaves many feeling that, despite his vulnerabilities, Biden might still be the best option for the party in 2024.

Moving Forward

The meeting underscored the urgency for Biden’s campaign to address these concerns and improve his standing among voters. Efforts to showcase his achievements, bolster his public appearances, and counter negative perceptions will be crucial in the coming months. Additionally, the campaign must work to strengthen its support base within the party and reassure down-ballot candidates of their electoral prospects.


The internal Democratic meeting highlights the precarious position President Joe Biden’s campaign finds itself in as it prepares for the 2024 election. While polls indicate a competitive race, significant concerns about Biden’s age, ability to win against Trump, and the potential impact on other Democratic candidates remain. Without a clear alternative, Democrats may find themselves rallying around Biden, hoping that strategic adjustments and a focus on his accomplishments can turn the tide in their favor.

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