Eight useful suggestions to extend the life of your phone’s battery

Like everybody else, you have to rely on your smartphones for communication, work, entertainment—actually, for so much more. That’s all okay. It is the Digital Age.
But sometimes, it gets annoying that your phone battery runs out of power too fast. Let’s consider some practical tips to help make your phone battery last longer to keep you all day connected.

  1. Adjust Screen Brightness
    One of the most obvious ways to save battery is to reduce the screen’s brightness. You can also turn on auto-brightness, which will adjust the screen depending on your surroundings.
  2. Turn Off Unnecessary Notifications
    Constant notifications can drain your battery. You can go ahead and turn off these notifications on apps that are really not important. You will considerately save power in the long run.
  3. Enable Battery Saver Mode
    Most smartphones have some kind of setting that limits background activity and performance to really stretch out battery life. For example, it’s called battery saver mode.
  4. Use Airplane Mode
    If you’re in an area with poor reception, your phone uses more battery to find a signal. Turn on airplane mode to save battery when you don’t need connectivity.
  5. Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
    Be sure to turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth whenever you are not using either since your phone will continuously search for available connections around you.
  6. Disable Location Services
    Location services use GPS, which can be a big battery drainer. This is turning off location services for apps that really don’t need GPS.
  7. Use the Right Charger
    Charging your device with the charger provided with the phone ensures it’s being charged properly.
  8. Avoid Overcharging
    Avoid overcharging by disconnecting your phone from the charger once it’s fully charged.
    With these tips, you will be able to extend the life of your phone’s battery and have a more reliable device. Small changes in the way you use and charge your phone could make a big difference in its battery life.

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