Extremist forums preparing UK riots and antisemitic attacks

8 Jewish Block on demo

It has been brought to the attention of community security specialists that the online platforms that are being used to foment and organize the riots that are being led by the extreme right contain statements that encourage followers to view Jewish people as a target.

There is a forum that a person who is allegedly neo-Nazi jointly runs. This forum played a significant role in the organization of the initial demonstration that degenerated into a riot in Southport on Tuesday. It is believed that he is based in another country.

He is believed to have previously called for attacks on Jewish places of worship outside of the United States, according to the findings of a Community Security Trust (CST) investigation. He received criticism from the authorities the previous year for allegedly inciting violent antisemitism in the neighborhood.

In one of the messages posted on the forum, “Gypsies” and Jews are both insulted.

The CST, which also provides Jewish communities with safety advice and conducts investigations, keeps an eye on and investigates antisemitism in Britain. Both the police and Muslim organizations are involved in its operations.

As a result of the fact that far-right organizers have called for at least thirty locations across England to be targeted on Wednesday, there is a general increase in dread and tension across communities that have previously been attacked. There are some that are connected to immigration and asylum settlements.

Those who attended the gatherings have been violent toward individuals who are deemed to be of a different race or nationality than white or British.

Those who are organizing the meetings assert that they are a demonstration against immigration; however, the police are adamant that it is a “masquerade” with the purpose of committing acts of violence with the intention of physically harming minorities and asylum seekers, damaging property, and stealing.

“There are some people in this movement and their online spaces encouraging others to consider Jews as a target, as well as everyone else they have identified so far, such as ethnic minorities, Muslims, and asylum seekers,” said a spokesperson for the CST. “What they are doing is encouraging others to consider Jews as a target.”

On the list of targets for Wednesday are some locations that are close to Jewish community venues.

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According to the spokeswoman’s statement, “We have been advising them about Wednesday night and about appropriate security measures.”

“We cannot simply disregard the possibility that it will have an impact on the Jewish community.”

Synagogues, Jewish schools, and community centers are all venues that are already considered to have a high level of security, according to the CST.

A significant increase in antisemitic occurrences was documented by the CST following the beginning of the ongoing conflict in Gaza in October of last year. From October 2023 to December 2023, the number of antisemitic occurrences that were documented was up to five times more than the number of incidents that were recorded during the same time period the previous year.

For the purpose of garnering support, the extreme right in the United Kingdom is employing propaganda that spreads misinformation about those who are seeking asylum and Muslims. In its public speech, it is less vociferous about its long-standing animosity toward Jewish people during the Holocaust.

However, the CST is now concerned that the antisemitic discourse that is currently being expressed on forums associated with the far right may be connected to the violence that has been observed on the streets of Britain over the past week.

According to the spokeswoman for the CST, “We see this kind of antisemitic chat from the far right all the time in a variety of online forums.” The difference is that it is now occurring in online venues, which are also being utilized by those who are going out and who are genuinely engaging in violent disturbance.

The organization Tell Mama, which works to stop anti-Islamic prejudice, reported that the number of hate crimes committed against Muslims in Britain had increased by a factor of three in the previous week.

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