How To Treat Appendicitis Using This Home Remedy.


Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, which can be acute or chronic. The appendix is a small protrusion of the colon, located in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Appendicitis mostly affects people between the ages of 10 and 30 Moreover, it is more common in men than women.

Causes: The most common cause of appendicitis is obstruction of the appendix’s entrance, which can be caused by stools, foreign bodies, or in rare cases, tumors. Once obstructed, bacteria can proliferate inside the appendix, leading to infection, inflammation, and edema.


Pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, inability to pass gas, abdominal swelling and low-grade fever.
Untreated appendicitis can rupture and become fatal. Hence, proper diagnosis and timely treatment prescribed by your doctor is important. The standard treatment is surgically removing the appendix.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory therapeutic potential that aids in the treatment of appendicitis. It helps reduce the inflammation as well as pain.
Prescription: Eat 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach daily. You can also use garlic in your cooking.

Disclaimer: consult your doctor before use

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