Early Rise

In his yard, this man built a plane for his family.

Ashok Aliseril Thamarakshan, a mechanical engineer, started to seriously think about learning how to fly a plane after moving to a place in the UK that was close to an airport more than ten years ago.

There were a few years between his birthday and his wife Abhilasha’s surprise thirty-minute flight. He had never been on a plane before this journey.

Aliseril, who lives in Essex, England, chose to learn how to fly at an airport close by. For his first meeting, he went to the island of the Isle of Wight, which is off the coast of England.

CNN Travel interviewed him and said, “That opened my eyes to how (flying) gives you the freedom to just go places if you have that ability and access to an aircraft.” “So that really got me hooked.”

When Aliseril got his license to be a solo pilot in 2019, he started renting planes for shorter trips right away. Still, when his family grew—he and Abhilasha now have two kids—the two-seater planes that are usually offered for private hire didn’t work as well anymore. because of this, he began to think about the idea of buying his own jet. For a short time, Aliseril thought about buying an older plane, so he looked into a few that were built in the 1960s and 1970s.

A man constructed an aircraft for his family in his backyard.

He does say, though, that the thought of taking his family on an older plane that he wasn’t familiar with scared him, and he didn’t think it would be a “comfortable journey.”

Aliseril began to think about the idea of building a plane by himself. Basically, he thought that this would help him understand the plane better, which would make it easier for him to take care of it over its lifetime. 

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