Ladies Here Are Some Few Tips To Keep your Man Under Your Control.

  • Individual Service: To maintain a strong connection, serve him yourself when you are at home.
  • Be helpful: Do not challenge him while he is upset.
  • Quick apologies: When you annoy him, say “Please forgive me, dear”. Beg for forgiveness and express gratitude with a kiss.
  • Remain Calm: When he gets upset, remain mute. Afterwards, gently clarify why you acted in that manner and apologize.
  • Speak Well of Him: Praise him in front of his family and close friends.
  • Support Family Presents: Make him buy presents for his parents and siblings, and he’ll probably do the same for yours.
  • Always remember to pray for him.
  • Call Him a sweet  Name: Make him feel cherished and appreciated by using a unique nickname.
  • Amaze Him: Prepare his favorite meals, especially when he is short on finances, and never postpone his meal.
  • Welcome him home with a warm hug and collect his bags, and help him in relaxing.
  • Grin and Kiss: Smile at him frequently and offer him the occasional kiss in public.
  • Give affection by washing his back in the bathroom.
  • Respect His Parents: Show gratitude and affection towards his parent..
  • Romantic Messages: Place lovely notes in his bag or suitcase.
  • Early Morning Love: If he’s a public figure, softly wake him up and express affection early in the morning.
  • Appreciate Before Children: Speak positively of him in the presence of your children.
  • Respect His Position: Allow him to use his power as head of the household
  • Phone Tell him You Miss Him: Make a brief phone call to let him know that you miss him
  • Unexpected “I Love You” Messages Call his number and say, “I love you.”
  • Show Thankfulness: Show him that you are grateful to have him.
  • Spontaneous Hugs: Give him a hug for no reason.
  • Praise God: Thank Jesus for the man in your life.

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