My Experience Working in an Ice Cream Shop – Guchi

Nigerian Singer Guchi Reveals Past Job at Ice Cream Shop Before Music Stardom

Nigerian singer Guchi, renowned for her hit single “Jennifer,” recently shared that she once worked in an ice cream shop to support her family. In an interview with media personality Chude Jideonwo, Guchi recounted how she juggled her job while nurturing her passion for music.

“I used to work in an ice cream store,” Guchi revealed. “I didn’t want to just sit down and say I have a passion for music and wait for Don Jazzy to come and find me in my house. I had to feed my siblings and my mother.”

The turning point in her life came unexpectedly while she was on the job. Guchi described, “One particular day, I was at the back, singing and preparing the ice cream to pour into the machine. My boss walked in and asked who was singing, and everyone pointed at me. He said he liked my boldness and reached into his pocket. I thought he was giving me a tip, but instead, he handed me a card. I was disappointed at first, not realizing he was my destiny helper.”

This pivotal moment marked the beginning of her journey from an ice cream shop employee to a rising star in the Nigerian music industry.

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