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North Korea’s Failed Launch Possibly Involved Hypersonic Weapon

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North Korea’s Failed Launch May Have Involved Hypersonic Missile

South Korea has indicated that North Korea’s latest missile test, which ended in failure early Wednesday, might have involved a hypersonic missile. The test, which is under investigation by intelligence agencies, has raised concerns about the advancement of North Korea’s missile capabilities.

The launch occurred at approximately 5:30 AM local time (20:30 GMT on Tuesday) and was detected by South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The missile was launched from an area near Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital.

Hypersonic missiles, which can travel at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound, pose a significant threat due to their high velocity and maneuverability, making them difficult to detect and intercept. The possibility that North Korea is developing such advanced weaponry is alarming for the international community.

South Korean authorities are closely monitoring the situation and coordinating with allies to assess the implications of this test. The failure of the launch does not diminish the potential threat posed by North Korea’s missile development program, which continues to be a focal point of regional and global security concerns.

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