Early Rise

Opeyemi Famakin Alleges Threat from Cubana Chief Priest Over Negative Restaurant Review

Opeyemi Famakin, a well-known Nigerian food reviewer, says that businessman and socialite Cubana Chief Priest threatened his life because of a bad review he wrote about Chief Priest’s son’s restaurant in Owerri. Famakin, who is known for giving honest and sometimes rude reviews of restaurants and other food places, posted the claims on Instagram, which got responses from his fans and people all over the internet.

Famakin says the fight started when he posted an honest review of a meal at the restaurant run by the son of Cubana Chief Priest. Famakin is proud of the fact that he always gives honest feedback about the food and service at different restaurants. He didn’t hold back when he spoke badly about this one. The bad report came from the fact that he said the food wasn’t up to par and that there were problems with the service.

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One of Famakin’s Instagram posts showed a screenshot of what he said was a chat between him and Cubana Chief Priest. During the conversation, Cubana Chief Priest, whose real name is Pascal Okechukwu, allegedly told Famakin he didn’t like the bad review and gave him a warning. The food critic said the businessman made threats against him, suggesting that he would be punished for saying bad things about the restaurant.

Many of Famakin’s followers were quick to respond to the situation after he told them about the claimed threats. Many of his followers were worried about his safety, and some said that what Cubana Chief Priest was said to have done was an abuse of power. In the past few years, Famakin’s status as a food critic has grown a lot. Now, people all over Nigeria look to him for honest reviews of restaurants. His fans liked how honest he was and how willing he was to talk about the experience, even though it could have been dangerous.

Cubana Chief Priest is no stranger to trouble; he’s been in a number of high-profile fights over the years. Okechukwu is a famous and successful businessman and nightlife king. He is known for living a lavish life and having a lot of power in the hotel and entertainment industries. The accusations Famakin made, on the other hand, have hurt his reputation, and many people want the fight to end.

In his steadfast defence, Famakin said that he was only doing his job as a food critic and had no plans to attack Cubana Chief Priest or his son directly. Moreover, he said that threats would not make him keep quiet, and he also said that he owed it to his fans to write honest reviews. Even though there was tension, Famakin got a lot of support from fans and other critics, who praised his bravery for coming out.

There has been more talk about the role of critics in the food and hospitality industries as well as the right way to handle negative comments. A lot of people think that getting negative feedback is part of running a public business. However, the threats have made people worry about how far some people are willing to go to protect their reputation.

As things stand, the public is waiting for more to happen, and many are hoping for a peaceful end. Opeyemi Famakin is still set on continuing his career as a food critic, even though the event with Cubana Chief Priest has caused a lot of controversy.

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