Early Rise

Paris Hilton checks for her Chanel jewellery following a caravan fire during a music video shoot.

Paris Hilton checks for her Chanel jewellery following a caravan fire during a music video shoot.

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The unintentional fire that broke out on Friday, August 16, at Hilton’s music video shoot for her song “Bad Bitch Academy” did not result in any injuries being incurred by witnesses or crew members.

Following the accidental fire that occurred on the set of her new music video for her song “Bad Bitch Academy” on Friday, Hilton, who is 43 years old, tweeted a video of the damage that had been done to her belongings.

As she shot the charred items on a pink table, the DJ and heiress remarked in her video, “So I’m just looking through everything now that made it through the fire.” She was referring to the objects that had survived the fire. “My Infinite Icon stickers are in my possession.”

“Chanel, this one actually is not bad,” she said as she revealed her Chanel jewellery from her collection.

As she continued to move the camera to other items that had been burned, she stated, “The Sliv gloves.” The Chanel pearls that we have are all burned. We have some of them. It melted.”

The camera then moved to what looked to be glittery skirts, and Hilton continued by saying, “All of this new jewellery, I just got from Lara Heems.”

I am really upset about these things. Michael Schmidt is able to create bespoke outfits. Her words were, “So stunning.” The Swarovski crystal material was used in their creation. All of them were burned. My Motorola Razrs are in quite good condition. Perhaps they are effective, but I can’t say for sure.”

The next thing that Hilton did was reveal that her Pop & Suki purse was the one that saved the phones. After that, she displayed her old pink flip phone from the year 2000 in addition to her journal.

According to what Hilton said in the caption of her photo, “These items are what’s left from the fire that broke out in my caravan while I was shooting my music video for the BadBitchAcademy.” “Everything else was melted and burned to a crisp,” the speaker said. We have so many beautiful memories associated with each of these pieces, and they all have a connection to this incredible trip that we have been on to create the finest music video that we possibly can for you all!

A further statement that she made was, “I am so incredibly thankful that nobody was hurt during this event.” “Even though I am inconsolable and still trying to make sense of everything that has happened, this will not prevent me and my team from moving forward.” Keep an eye out for a different kind of fire on #InfiniteIcon, and make sure to watch the complete video on my TikTok!

Hilton initially informed the public about the fire on Friday, August 16, and she clarified that there were no injuries as a result of the incident. Among the members of her team, she expressed her gratitude to Hannah Lux Davis, who directed the music video, as well as to Lance Bass, Meghan Trainor, and Heidi Klum, who were also contributors.

On August 17, the star of Simple Life aired footage of her caravan after it had caught fire. It was documented on video that the interior of the vehicle had been entirely destroyed by fire, with even a portion of the roof being removed.

As she entered the building, she uttered the words, “This is insane.” It smells awfully horrible.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! “Thank God, everyone is safe,” her mother, Kathy Hilton, wrote in the description under the photo. “I am truly ashamed.”

Aunt Kyle Richards elaborated, “I am so relieved that you are safe.”

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