Patriots for Europe: Hungary’s Orban Announces New EU Parliament Alliance

New EU Parliament Alliance: Hungary’s Orban, Austria’s FPO, and Czech ANO Join Forces

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party, Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPO), and the Czech Republic’s populist ANO party, led by Andrej Babis, have announced the formation of a new alliance in the European Parliament. This coalition aims to create a powerful faction within the EU, challenging the current political landscape and advocating for a Europe rooted in conservative values and national sovereignty.

Speaking at a joint news conference with FPO leader Herbert Kickl and ANO’s Andrej Babis, Orban emphasized the importance of this new political platform. “We take on the responsibility to launch this new platform and new faction. I want to make it clear that this is our goal,” he stated, urging other like-minded parties to join their cause.

A Vision for a Conservative Europe

The alliance represents a significant shift in European politics, reflecting a growing movement towards nationalism and conservative values. Viktor Orban has been a vocal critic of the EU’s current direction, advocating for policies that prioritize national interests over broader EU mandates. This new alliance is seen as a strategic move to consolidate power and influence within the European Parliament, enabling member parties to better advocate for their shared vision.

Herbert Kickl of Austria’s FPO echoed Orban’s sentiments, highlighting the need for a united front to address the challenges facing Europe. “We believe in a Europe of sovereign nations, where each country has the right to protect its borders and maintain its cultural identity,” Kickl said. The FPO has long been known for its strong stance on immigration and its commitment to preserving Austrian traditions and values.

ANO’s Populist Appeal

Andrej Babis’s ANO party brings a populist perspective to the alliance, emphasizing practical solutions to economic and social issues. Babis, a former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, has built his political career on promises to fight corruption and improve the lives of ordinary citizens. His inclusion in the alliance signals a broader appeal to voters who feel disenfranchised by traditional political parties.

Babis stressed the importance of collaboration among like-minded parties to achieve meaningful change. “We need to work together to ensure that our voices are heard and our priorities are addressed in the European Parliament,” he stated. By joining forces, these parties hope to amplify their influence and push for reforms that align with their conservative and populist agendas.

Call for Support from Other Parties

The formation of this new alliance is not just about consolidating existing power but also about expanding their influence by attracting other parties with similar ideologies. Orban, Kickl, and Babis have issued a call for support from other European parties that share their vision of a Europe rooted in national sovereignty and conservative values.

Orban emphasized the need for broader participation, stating, “We invite all parties that believe in a Europe of strong nations to join us. Together, we can create a new future for Europe.” This outreach aims to build a robust coalition that can effectively challenge the status quo in the European Parliament.


The new alliance between Hungary’s Fidesz, Austria’s FPO, and the Czech Republic’s ANO marks a significant development in European politics. By joining forces, these parties seek to reshape the European Parliament and advocate for a vision of Europe that prioritizes national sovereignty, cultural identity, and conservative values. As they call for support from other like-minded parties, this alliance has the potential to become a formidable force within the EU, challenging existing power structures and pushing for a new direction in European governance.

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