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Pelosi Advises Biden on Poll Results Impacting His Presidency and Congressional Prospects; Biden’s Defensive Response”

“Nancy Pelosi Warns Biden of Polling Challenges and House Prospects Amid 2024 Speculation”

In a recent private conversation, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told President Joe Biden that she was worried about research data that shows Trump could make it hard for Biden to get re-elected. Multiple sources who were present at the talk say that Pelosi was also worried that Biden’s campaign could hurt the Democrats’ chances of keeping control of the House in November.

What the Conversation Was Abou:

Pelosi is said to have told Biden that new polls show he might have a hard time beating Donald Trump if they run against each other in 2024. Sources with knowledge of the conversation say that Pelosi also warned Biden that his bid for a second term could hurt Democratic efforts to keep control of the House of Representatives. During the talk, Biden voiced doubt and rebutted Pelosi’s claims by citing different polling data that suggests he is still competitive in a possible rematch against Trump. Sources say that Biden seemed nervous when he talked about these poll results, though.

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Political Changes and Theories

In order to get more information from the polls, Pelosi asked Mike Donilon, who has been Biden’s advisor for a long time, to join the talk. It is the second time that Pelosi and Biden are known to have talked since the president’s controversial performance in the debate on June 27. The exact date of this recent conversation is still unknown, but sources say it happened within the last week and came after a meeting between the two leaders in early July.

Sources did not confirm that Pelosi directly told Biden he should drop his bid for re-election in 2024, but her recent comments and meetings with other Democrats show that the party is becoming more worried about Biden’s chances of winning and what that could mean for congressional races.

Pelosi’s public comments about Biden’s timeline for making decisions show how important it is for Democrats to know what the president wants. In a famous interview, Pelosi stressed that Biden is the one who has to decide if he wants to run again. She urged him to make a choice soon because of the upcoming deadlines and election challenges.

When asked for comment, White House spokesman Andrew Bates wouldn’t say more about the specifics of what Pelosi and Biden were said to have said. Bates said that Biden was still committed to being the party’s nominee and trying to get bills passed that would help working families.

The conversation between Pelosi and Biden shows that the Democratic leadership is having important talks about the president’s political future and the party’s future election plan. As Biden continues to think about his chances of re-election despite different polls and internal discussions, the choices he makes soon will have a big impact on both the 2024 presidential race and the congressional elections that follow.

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