President Ramaphosa Set for Reelection with DA’s Backing

The Governing ANC Looks to Former Foes to Secure Cyril Ramaphosa’s Second Term and Extend Its Three-Decade Hold on Power

In a strategic move that underscores the complexities of South African politics, President Cyril Ramaphosa is turning to former adversaries to bolster his chances for a second term. This political maneuvering is crucial for the African National Congress (ANC) as it seeks to maintain its three-decade dominance over the country’s political landscape.

A Historic Meeting in Cape Town

On June 13, 2024, South Africa President Ramaphosa convened with senior ANC officials at a significant meeting of the party’s national executive committee, held at a hotel in Cape Town. This gathering is seen as a pivotal moment for the ANC, as the party grapples with internal divisions and the need to consolidate power ahead of the next national elections.

Ramaphosa’s Political Strategy

Cyril Ramaphosa’s leadership has been marked by efforts to unify the ANC, combat corruption, and revive the South African economy. However, his tenure has not been without challenges. Facing resistance from within his party and from political opponents, Ramaphosa is now seeking to build alliances with former foes to strengthen his position.

Bridging Divides for Political Stability

The decision to engage with former adversaries is a testament to Ramaphosa’s pragmatic approach to politics. By reaching out to these individuals and factions, he aims to create a broader coalition that can support his leadership and policy agenda. This strategy is also intended to present a united front to the South African electorate, which has grown increasingly disillusioned with political infighting and economic stagnation.

The Stakes for the ANC

The ANC’s grip on power has been firm since the end of apartheid in 1994, but recent years have seen growing discontent among voters. Issues such as corruption scandals, economic inequality, and high unemployment rates have eroded public trust in the party. Ramaphosa’s ability to secure a second term is not just a personal victory but is crucial for the ANC’s long-term survival and relevance in South African politics.

Challenges Ahead

Despite these efforts, Ramaphosa faces significant hurdles. The ANC is deeply divided, with factions loyal to former President Jacob Zuma still wielding considerable influence. Additionally, opposition parties are gaining ground, capitalizing on the public’s frustration with the ANC’s performance.

Looking Forward

As the 2024 elections approach, Ramaphosa’s outreach to former foes could prove to be a decisive factor in securing his re-election and the ANC’s continued dominance. For the South African public, this political maneuvering highlights the importance of leadership that can navigate complex alliances and deliver tangible improvements in governance and economic conditions.


Cyril Ramaphosa’s bid for a second term is more than just a political campaign; it is a crucial juncture for South Africa’s future. The ANC’s ability to adapt, unite, and address the pressing issues facing the nation will determine its legacy and impact on South African society for years to come. As the political landscape evolves, all eyes will be on Ramaphosa and the ANC’s efforts to retain their hold on power through strategic alliances and pragmatic governance.

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