Quintana Roo Establishes New Tourism Trust, Replacing Fonatur

Quintana Roo Gets Rid of Fonatur and Replaces It with a New Tourism Trust to Help Local Development**

The Government of Quintana Roo has made a big change in how it manages tourism. The National Fund for Tourism Development (Fonatur) will be replaced by a new organization called the Trust for the Strengthening of Tourism Activity in Quintana Roo (Foatqroo). The Cancun Hotel Zone and the Cozumel Marina are two important tourist spots that this new trust will be in charge of keeping and running. According to Riviera Maya News, the news came out on July 16.

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Foatqroo takes over unfinished initiatives, including the Cozumel Comprehensive Tourism Project and the El Rey wastewater treatment plant modernization.

Supporting finances and the way management is set up

Foatqroo is going to start selling things with a big budget of 155.7 million Mexican pesos, which is about $8.7 million USD. The budget for this comes from Fonatur’s yearly budget, which makes sure that the change doesn’t affect ongoing projects and programs.

The Quintana Roo Secretariat of Planning and Finance will be in charge of the trust. However, a technical group will have the most power to make decisions in Foatqroo. This group will be made up of experts and local stakeholders from both the public and private sectors. This will make sure that tourism development is done in a way that benefits everyone.

Taking care of unfinished projects

While Fonatur was away, Foatqroo will be in charge of finishing up some jobs that Fonatur left unfinished. Some of these are the Comprehensive Tourism Project (PTO) in Cozumel, the Update of the El Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the Repair of Playa Pez Volador. Foatqroo wants to improve the infrastructure and general appeal of Quintana Roo’s most popular tourist spots by finishing up these unfinished projects.

4. Local Expertise: Foatqroo’s technical committee includes experts and local stakeholders from both public and private sectors.

The Comprehensive Tourism Project (PTO) in Cozumel is a big plan to make the island a better place for tourists to visit. As part of this project, new tourist attractions are being built and old facilities are being made better. Sustainable tourism practices are also being pushed. The fact that Foatqroo is involved should speed up the finishing of this project, which will be very good for Cozumel’s economy.

Foatqroo will also be in charge of another important project: updating the El Rey wastewater treatment plant. This project is very important for keeping environmental standards high and making sure that Quintana Roo’s tourism business will last. Upgrading the wastewater treatment plants will help protect the area’s natural resources and make the whole experience better for visitors.

Foatqroo’s job is more than just finishing up projects that aren’t finished yet. The trust will also be in charge of keeping the Cancun Hotel Zone and the Cozumel Marina in good shape and making them better. These places are very important to the business of Quintana Roo and are some of the most popular tourist spots in the state.

People come from all over the world to visit the Cancun Hotel Zone, which has high-end hotels, beautiful beaches, and a lively nightlife. Foatqroo wants to make this place more appealing and competitive on the world stage of tourism by making sure it is well taken care of and developed.

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Similarly, the Cozumel Marina is an important part of the area that brings in boaters and tourists looking for fun things to do on the water. The people in charge of Foatqroo will work to make the marina’s facilities better, encourage environmentally friendly habits, and make it more appealing to tourists from all over the world.

Foatqroo’s activities will be guided by a technical committee made up of experts and local stakeholders. This will make sure that decisions are well-informed and in line with the community’s wants and goals. This open-minded attitude should help the public and private sectors work together more, which will make tourism development more effective and long-lasting.

Foatqroo wants to make a tourism model that works for both tourists and locals by using their knowledge and ideas. This way of thinking is especially important for dealing with the special problems and chances that Quintana Roo’s different tourist spots face.

When Foatqroo opened, it was the start of a new era in managing tourism in Quintana Roo. The trust is in a good situation to move the region’s tourism industry forward because it has a clear mission, a lot of money, and a governance structure that includes everyone. As Foatqroo takes on the task of finishing up unfinished projects and keeping important tourist spots, it is expected that its work will lead to better infrastructure, better experiences for visitors, and long-term growth for Quintana Roo’s tourism industry.

Finally, the Government of Quintana Roo made a smart move by creating Foatqroo, the Trust for the Strengthening of Tourism Activity in Quintana Roo. This will improve the area’s tourism facilities and make it last longer. Quintana Roo wants to keep being a top tourist spot around the world by getting rid of Fonatur and replacing it with a locally focused and expert-led organization. This will also make sure that the benefits of tourism are shared widely in the community.

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