See Home Remedy For Fibroid

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that are found in the uterus. They may form within the
Uterine Fibroids
walls, under the top mucosal layer, in the muscles of uterus, or in the neck of the uterus.

Key details regarding fibroids you should know

Prevalence: They are very common, particularly in women who are fertile.

The exact cause of fibroids is not known, but they are believed to be influenced by hormonal factors, especially estrogen and progesterone, Family History, Pregnancy etc.

Many women who have fibroids might not even show any symptoms. But signs and symptoms might also include: Heavy bleeding between or during periods, pain in the pelvis and/or lower back, increased menstrual cramping, increased urination, pain during intercourse, menstruation that lasts longer than usual
pressure or fullness in your lower abdomen, swelling or enlargement of the abdomen

Diagnosis: Fibroids are typically diagnosed through pelvic examination, ultrasound, or other imaging techniques.

Ingredient: Water, Milk and Wild Lettuce root
Put to boil half a liter of water, dry and grind Wild Lettuce. Add three tablespoons of the ground Wild Lettuce root to the boiling water. Cover the pan and simmer on a low heat for ten minutes. Turn off the heat and allow the tea to stand for fifteen minutes.

DISCLAIMER :consult your doctor before use

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