Seven people have been charged under terror laws over a protest at an Israeli-based firm’s UK site.

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At the Elbit Systems UK building in Gloucestershire, during the protest, employees and cops were allegedly assaulted, according to the police.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service, seven individuals have been charged with violating terror legislation in connection with a Palestine Action demonstration that took place at the location of an Israeli weapons company.

It was on August 6 that the event took place at the Elbit Systems UK building, which is located close to Patchway in Gloucestershire. According to the Criminal Prosecution Service (CPS), it would be submitting to the court that the acts had a “terrorist connection.”

Before staff were “seriously assaulted,” the Avon and Somerset police department reported that a group of individuals had forced their way into the premises by using a vehicle to smash through the doors.

According to the force’s statement, two police officers who were present during the disruption were also “seriously assaulted in the course of their duties.”

In a statement, the Palestinian organisation Palestine Action claims that the allegations made by the police and the CPS are an attempt to sway public opinion and legal proceedings against activists.

The organisation circulated video footage from the previous week that showed the activists spraying red paint and using sledgehammers to harm factory equipment.

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Criminal damage, violent disorder, aggravated burglary, severe bodily harm with intent, and two counts of real bodily harm are the additional charges that have been brought against Samuel Corner, who is 22 years old.

All of the individuals who have been charged with criminal damage, violent disorder, and aggravated burglary are as follows: Jordan Devlin, age 30, Charlotte Head, age 28, Leona Kameo, age 28, Fatema Rajwani, age 20, and Zoe Rogers, age 20.

Accusations of criminal damage and aggravated burglary have been brought against Hannah Davidson, who is 51 years old.

According to Counter Terrorism Policing South East, which is in charge of the investigation, all of them have been charged with various offences and are scheduled to appear at Westminster magistrates court on Tuesday.

After magistrates granted a warrant that allows investigators to continue questioning him until Friday, a 45-year-old man from Warwickshire is still being held in jail on suspicion of the commission, preparation, and encouragement of acts of terrorism in accordance with section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

Investigators have been granted permission to examine a man from Manchester who is 33 years old and is still being held in custody on suspicion of the same crime. The magistrates granted the warrant to question him until Saturday.

According to Supt. Dan Forster, who is the north-east area commander for the Avon and Somerset police, “At this stage, it appears that those involved have travelled into the Avon and Somerset police area from other parts of the country in order to commit these serious offences.”

“We are not aware of any wider risk to the local community in South Gloucestershire or any other part of our force area; however, we would encourage anyone who has concerns to speak with a member of their neighbourhood policing team, either through the telephone number 101 or through our website.”

As well as arresting them using powers that have never been seen before, the police have initiated a smear campaign against the jailed actionists, stating that they had committed acts of violence against police and security guards, according to a statement that was distributed on social media by Palestine Action.

All of the activists are unable to provide a response to these allegations. Palestine Action asserts that these remarks are intended to sway public opinion and legal processes against activists, as well as to set the framework for the police to utilise their authoritarian powers in an unlawful manner.

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