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The role of sports in politics: should athletes speak out?

The place where sport meets politics is one that has been controversial throughout history, yet it has always been in a state of evolution. Athletes find themselves in the dilemma of whether to engage or not in political matters due to their relevantly huge influence and public platform. In this blog, we seek to discuss the role of politics in sport, its history, the arguments against and for speaking out, and the impact that results from their activism.

Historical Context

The relation of sports and politics is not a new thing. History is full of examples related to suppressing or supporting the athletes who used their platform to locally address social and political issues. Jesse Owens, 1936—through four gold medals won at the Berlin Olympics, this African American athlete challenged the ideology of the Nazis, which defied Hitler’s propaganda of Aryan supremacy.

Muhammad Ali (1960s-70s): It was Ali’s outspoken opposition to the Vietnam War and his fight for civil rights that perhaps made him the ultimate symbol of resistance and courage.

Tommie Smith and John Carlos (1968): Their Black Power salute at the Mexico City Olympics highlighted racial injustice in the United States.

Colin Kaepernick (2016): His decision to kneel during the national anthem opened up a nationwide dialogue on racial disparity.

Arguments for Athletes Speaking Out

1. Influence and Visibility

With large followings on social media and by the media, athletes have significant potential to create awareness about important issues. They can work towards amplifying lesser-known perspectives and bring various causes into the light of day which would otherwise go unnoticed.

2. Role Models and Leaders

Athletes are role models in society to millions of fans, especially the youth. Their speaking out can motivate other people, like them, to engage in social and political activism, leading to a more active, informed citizenry.

3. Personal Impact

Many athletes have forces, but they emanate from communities that are impacted by the issues of which they speak. Their personal experience with issues and even family connections could underscore the authenticity of activism and urgency in how political decisions affect living lives in the real world.

4. Moral Responsibility

Some feel that athletes have some moral obligation to use their platform to do good, and that staying silent in the presence of injustice is tantamount to an act of complicity, but speaking out is squarely within human duty to make a contribution to justice and equality.

Arguments Against Athletes Speaking Out

1. Focus on Sports

This is sometimes argued by critics: athletes should simply focus on their core role: the sport. Politics can be a distractor of the game and a turn-off for people who want to be entertained, not lectured, about politics.

2. No Expertise

Athletes need not necessarily be experts in politics or social issues. Though influential, their opinions may lack appropriate depth and nuance required for such complex topics and may add to misinformation or extremely reductive views.

3. Risk of Fallout

Speaking out can also entail backlash from the fans, sponsors, and governing bodies. Athletes  lose endorsement deals, be fined, or even suspended from participating in the sport they compete in, which was a damaging blow to their career and financial stability.

4. Polarization

Athletes use their platform to create political statements that further polarize society. Fans with opposing views of politics/ have different political leanings may start to feel estranged from the athlete thus disintegrating oneness around sports.

The Impact of Athlete Activism

Many times, when they do acts decide to behave politically, the effects are great indeed:

Social change: Athlete activism can make a real difference in social change. Movements like Black Lives Matter have been mobilized through sports.

Policy influence: The activism of athletes influences policies through the visibility and prominence that certain issues gain, forcing legislative bodies and other actors to act on their subject matter.

Cultural Shifts: Athletes normalize political engagement through sports and shift cultural attitudes toward ever greater acceptance of activism in other public spheres.

Finding a Balance

This question about an athlete’s voice isn’t black-and-white. Instead, it is a delicate act of balance—the so-called weighing one has to do between the potentially attained benefits that awareness and social change could engender with dangers of backlash and polarization. Some reflecting periods for athletes in such scenarios are:

1. Educate Themselves: The athletes are first concerned with educating themselves about the issues they comment about. Studying with experts, engaging in lifelong learning as a means to information.

2. Strategic Engagement: Through careful and strategic engagement, rather than reaction or impulse statements, comes issues that do make a difference in being an activist.

3. Partner with Organisations: So often, partnering with activist organisations and nonprofit groups can help the athlete navigate where his or her influence is best placed in ensuring that an athlete’s act fuels broader, sustained movements.

4. Acknowledge Diverse Viewpoints: Respecting the diversity of opinion within the fan base and the broader public can diffuse polarization and help to build constructive dialogue.


The role of politics in sport is dynamic and multi-faceted. Although athletes have much greater capacity to affect substantial change in society and politics, they still have to bargain with public perception, expertise, and possible backlash. At the end of the day, whether an athlete decides to speak out or be apolitical is very personal, rooted in values and experiences against issues close to them. The nexus of sport and politics will no doubt remain a serious place for debate and action as society further evolves.

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