See Three Types Of People In Life.

The Leaf people

LEAF PEOPLE: These are the individuals who enter your life briefly. They are feeble and simply come to take what they want; if the wind blows through, they will leave, so you can’t count on them.
These are the people you should be wary of because they love you when everything is going well. However, they will leave you as the wind blows.

The Branch people

BRANCH PEOPLE: Although they are powerful, you must use caution when using them. When things get hard, they fall apart because they can’t bear too much pressure. In certain seasons, they might stay with you, but when things get tougher, they’ll leave

The Root people

ROOT PEOPLE: These are vital individuals who don’t do things just to gain attention. They will encourage you even if you are going through a trying moment because they simply love you that way and are unaffected by your circumstances.
Not everyone you meet or have an affair with will stick around.
There will only be the root sort of individuals.

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