Top New Technology Trends for 2024

#1 Robotic Process Automation:

RPA automates business processes that involve repetitive tasks, standardized jobs, and dealing with data, such as responding to emails. Much like any of us, the RPA robots are able to understand what’s there on the screen, navigate through the different systems, complete the right keystrokes, extract data, and even perform a wide array of predefined actions. More or less, that would mean increased scope for data collection, reduced workload, better business results, faster service, etc.

#2 Metaverse:

It’s an emerging technology that’s going to take you from the real into the virtual world. Companies can work out, with the power of AR and VR, e-replicas of the real world where people could collaborate, do training demos, and close deals in real time. This latest technology has been getting impetus because of the real-world experience it brings in.

Nike made 3100 Ethereum worth $8 million dollars in one week selling their sneakers digitally.

Accenture has its metaverse environment where it has built a habitat called Nth Floor which replicates their real-world office and the employees can waltz into office space and do their tasks without requiring to be present in the office physically.

Tech giants like Facebook, now known as Meta, Microsoft, Google, and Nvidia are already heavy investors in this newest technology; experts estimate this technology is going to bring an additional $5 trillion in revenue to the world’s economy by 2030.

#3 Telehealth:

Though most of the biggest developments in the field of medicine arrived due to technology, there is some amount of friction to it even now. The pandemic has shown us how pivotal technology is for the medical field. Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services with help from technology to patients who are seeking care without having to get out of their homes. Examples of telehealth services would include health apps, live video conferencing, and remote patient monitoring, to name a few. 4. Low-Code and No-Code AI: AI has shifted gears from technical mumbo-jumbo to user-friendly interface through low-code and no-code solutions. To put it otherwise, the capability to help in building solutions sans expertise in coding, for that matter, any technical know-how, has enabled it as the top pick and successful amongst business leaders.

According to a Gartner report, in 2024, 50% of mid and small-level organizations will have adopted low-code and no-code solutions. The above Statista is proof of the fact that low-code and no-code is here for a long while.

#5 Internet of Behaviors (IOB): IoB deals with data-informed behavioral change. It picks up data from several sources, takes that information to facilitate a change in user behavior by feedback loops. For example, a taxi service can monitor driver behavior, driving speed, aggressive turns, sudden breaks, etc. With the use of this data, a performance assessment about the driver can be made, and appropriate steps can accordingly be taken.

#6 Distributed cloud: 

This means the distribution of cloud services to different physical locations, but the whole operations and governance lies in the hands of the public cloud service provider. Having these services physically closer when organisations have them, helps in low latency scenarios, decreases data costs and also helps you be accommodating of the local laws.

#7 Edge Computing:

It is part of the new technology trends 2024 that allows low latency and high speed when processing data.

Edge Computing allows organizations to perform computations closer to systems of data storage, enhancing the performance of applications.

The purpose of edge computing is to run lesser processes in the cloud and to transfer them into an edge server or the user’s computer.

Since this enhances the process speed, you can, therefore, use it to handle time-critical data, stored in remote areas, which have minimal access to the central location. #8 Human Augmentation: Human Augmentation is a generic term embracing innovations management that seeks to advance human capabilities and productivity. In this category come AR lenses, RFID tags, prosthetics, etc. It can help improve human mental and action abilities. You can sense this through actuation technology, AI, fusion, and fission.   #9 Intelligent composable business: An intelligent composable business is the one which can change itself and transform its constituents accordingly as per the situation.

Businesses are investing in digital transformation because they intend to make swift business decisions for which data is already available.

To do so, businesses should have access to information, build on top of it by gathering more insights and react promptly.

This will help businesses in decision making and not always have to wait for a “Go ahead” from the leadership team.

#10 Hyper Automation: This new technology trend 2024 in an organization is going to relieve people from almost everything that can be automated. There are umpteen organizations still using heritage processes that drag them down. Lots of issues are created, and it is also hugely expensive just to maintain them. Advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, RPA, Natural Language Processing, and Process Mining are applied to leverage maximum potential for an automated enterprise. Conclusion: Many organizations are guilty of working with technologies that have corresponding limited applications. They usually never are lean or optimised especially for the business. You should, therefore, accelerate the use of technologies in your organization towards becoming agile and efficient. If you do not invest in the new technologies that are raging in the world, then you might be left behind by your competitors.  

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