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UK Entertainment: Contested Rowling play TERF’ is struck by death threats and the producer’s mother is harassed by online trolls.

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UK Entertainment: Contested Rowling play TERF' is struck by death threats and the producer's mother is harassed by online trolls.

JK Rowling has faced fierce criticism online for her stance on trans people. Pic: AP
J.K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter.

TERF imagines that the people who play the characters in the Harry Potter film franchise will stage an “intervention” for the author over her beliefs regarding gender criticism.

“Death threats” have been made against members of the production, according to the producer of a contentious play about J.K. Rowling’s views on transgender people, who told Sky News that his own mother has been attacked by online trolls in response to criticism of the show.

In the play TERF, which is currently being performed at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the main characters from the Harry Potter film franchise are imagining that they are organizing an “intervention” for the author regarding her gender-critical beliefs.

When discussing gender issues, the term “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” (TERF), which is an abbreviation, is frequently used as a derogatory term.

A significant number of individuals who have not yet witnessed the play are of the opinion that it is a “hit piece” directed against Rowling. As a result of the unfavorable media coverage, they have expressed their fury online.

JK Rowling with Harry Potter movie stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint in 2010.

During an interview with Sky News, the show’s producer, Barry Church-Woods, stated that there has been a significant amount of “faux outrage” directed over the production.

What he had to say was, “To tell you the truth, it has been a little bit heartbreaking.” As a result of the fact that this show is called TERF, a lot of people have made assumptions about it.

There have been threats to our lives. On social media, my mother has been the victim of harassment.

As a result of the actions of some members of that group, Mr. Church-Woods was quoted as saying that the word “TERF” has evolved into an insult.

He concluded by saying, “There are extremes on both sides of this debate, obviously, but some of the really abhorrent behaviour has made that word much more powerful than it should be because there’s an association.”

One of the topics that is discussed in the play is Rowling’s ascent to popularity, as well as her previous statements regarding her experiences as a survivor of sexual assault and domestic violence.

TERF is playing at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

In his explanation, Mr. Church-Woods stated that the title of the play is “no different” from the title of an album that is derived from a song or lyric.

“It makes a reference to a particular moment in time when J.K. Rowling tweeted her gender-critical beliefs for the first time,” he said. One variant of that statement, which was significantly more offensive, became popular all throughout the world.

Therefore, there is a sequence in the show in which it occurs, and that is reflected in the show. And this is where the title of the product was initially derived.

The show is eagerly awaited by all.

In spite of the criticism, TERF is one of the acts that is being discussed and anticipated the most among those that will be performing during the Fringe.

According to Mr. Church-Woods, “To tell you the truth, it’s kind of terrifying because it prevents the show from simply being a fringe theater show.”

You are under a great deal of pressure to provide a show of world-class quality in such a way that you may possibly use the Fringe Festival to develop your work, refine it, and then transform it into your Fleabag or anything else you choose.

It is a wonderful sensation. It is a very good opportunity. I mean, we are a part of a festival that has 3,500 shows, so the fact that people are aware of who we are and are talking about it is something that I will never be able to complain about.

Threat of a protest

TERF was compelled to relocate locations as a result of the potential for demonstrations.

The Assembly Rooms have volunteered to host the performance and are equipped with the necessary infrastructure to accommodate the security and staffing that will be required to assist in ensuring the safety of the cast and crew.

This is what Mr. Church-Woods had to say about the situation: “We feel like there won’t be any incidents, but certainly we’ve got another eye on it.”

According to the producer, Rowling’s staff has been given the script; nevertheless, it is thought that she has not personally read it. In addition, she has been extended an invitation to a show.

In his words, Mr. Church-Woods stated, “I believe that it is a really balanced piece.” Probably a lot more equitable to J.K. Rowling than she would have been under my politics.

On a personal level, he stated, “I don’t particularly want to meet her.” However, as a producer, he would “love” for Rowling to attend the performance in order to enhance exposure.

“But I actually genuinely think, from what I’ve seen in her interviews, I think she’s quite funny, she’s quite dry and I think she might actually enjoy this play.”

‘Show has the potential to change the needle on a subject’

In the character of Rowling, the lead role is played by the American actress Laura Kay Bailey.

In response to a question on how she feels about being a member of one of the performances that has received the most attention at the Fringe Festival, she stated, “It is really exciting to be a part of a show that could potentially move the needle on a topic.”

“The cast and the crew are all wonderful to work with and we’re having fun with it.”

When asked about her experience playing Rowling, she stated that there is a “weight there” that you might not experience when you are playing a fictional character.

Trelawny Kean, Laura Kay Bailey, and Barry Church-Woods.

According to what she had to say, “I believe that it is always a challenge for an actor to play a real person.” In light of this, I definitely put in a lot of extra effort to improve my voice, dialects, and everything else. It is important that you get it right.

“At the same time, it is not really about impersonating someone else,” she said. To put it simply, it is about capturing their essence in such a way that the audience may believe that you are that person.

A message to those who might be critical

Before coming to a conclusion on the show, Ms. Bailey strongly recommends that potential critics watch it first.

It was her opinion that “I do not see it as a hit piece.” Josh [Joshua Kaplan], the author, does a wonderful job of trying to be impartial and sort of demonstrate the evolution of her as a public figure and as a person, as well as the development of some of her beliefs. I believe that Josh does a good job of doing this.

“So, I think people should come see it and decide for themselves.”

Trelawny Kean, an Australian actor, played the part of Emma Watson who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series.

According to Ms. Kean, the excitement that has been surrounding the play has been “pretty exciting” as well as “a little intimidating.”

In response to a question regarding whether or not she is concerned about protesters targeting the show, she commented, “If it happens, it happens.”

“I believe that there is a great deal of support surrounding us, and it is not something that I am really that concerned about. We have a good sense of security.”

In response to allegations that TERF is a “hit piece” against Rowling, Ms. Kean stated that the show is “surprising” rather than a “hit piece.”

She concluded by saying, “I think the show is more a conversation about a very, very divisive topic, particularly in this country at the moment, using the guise of these very famous people as a backdrop as a way to have this conversation in a wider environment.”

The response that Ms. Kean gave in response to the question of whether or not she would like Hollywood star Watson to watch her performance was, “No, if someone were playing me in a play, I’d be absolutely mortified.”

JK Rowling’s team has informed Sky News that she “is not commenting on the play” at this time.

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