UK Politics: Foreign secretary of the United Kingdom declares that certain arms shipments to Israel will be suspended.

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David Lammy stated that the restriction was not an arms embargo, but there was a “clear risk” that some UK weapons would be used in violation of international law.

The UK will halt some arms sales to Israel, Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said.

Mr. Lammy stated that the decision came after an assessment of export licences for UK guns, which discovered a “clear risk” that they may be used to commit “a serious violation of international humanitarian law.

Around 30 of the 350 licenses will be stopped, Mr Lammy stated, emphasising that “this is not a blanket ban, this is not an arms embargo.”.

However, Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, warned the move “sends a very problematic message” to Hamas and Iran.

Mr. Lammy said that the government had a legal obligation to assess Britain’s export licenses in the midst of the Gaza conflict.

He explained his choice to the Commons: “It is with regret that I inform the House today that the assessment I have received leaves me unable to conclude anything other than that for certain UK arms exports to Israel, there does exist a clear risk that they might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law.”

The suspension will cover components for military aircraft used in Gaza, including helicopters and drones, as well as goods that aid in ground targeting.

However, it will not include parts for global F-35 combat fighters, which has alarmed opposition MPs and human rights organisations.

According to the government, doing so would have a “significant effect on the global F35 fleet with serious implications for international peace and security.”.

The United Kingdom does not actively provide Israel with weapons, but it does grant export licences for British corporations to sell armaments to the country.

Under the previous Tory government, state servants in charge of military deliveries to Israel were asked to “cease work immediately” due to concerns about their potential involvement in war crimes.

Mr. Lammy told the Commons that after voicing his own concerns while in opposition, he promptly began a review upon taking office and “committed to sharing the review’s conclusions.”.

He stated that the conclusion does not imply that Israel has violated humanitarian law, as the UK government “have not and could not” arbitrate on the matter.

“This is a forward-looking evaluation, not a determination of innocence or guilt, and it does not prejudge any future determinations by the competent courts,” the attorney general stated.


“The United Kingdom continues to support Israel’s right to self-defence in accordance with international law,” he stated, adding that the decision will be kept under review pending further investigation.

In response to the news, members of the House expressed a range of opinions, with some arguing that the prohibition ought to be expanded, while others arguing that there ought to be no prohibition at all.

“The suspension is a welcome and significant step, but it leaves vital questions unanswered,” said Ellie Chowns, a member of parliament for the Green Party. The primary question that remains unanswered is why so many licences are being exempt.

In her statement, she stated that there is “absolutely no justification” for continuing to licence F-35 fighter fighters.

“There is an ongoing and clear risk, and we urge the foreign secretary to look again and suspend these licenses,” according to her statement.

It was said by the Liberal Democrats that they would investigate the export licences that the government has not yet revoked and that they are “concerned that the decision is made solely on risk of use in Gaza and not in the West Bank.”

At the other end of the political spectrum, Sammy Wilson, who is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party, stated that the only people who will be thrilled by this decision “will be the Islamic terrorists.”

“This is a poor choice,” she said. It is a decision that we will come to regret, and sadly, I feel that it has been the result of… pressure that Labour MPs have found in their seats as a result of pro-Gaza protests,” he added. “It is a decision that we will come to regret in our lives.”

On October 7, the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas launched an offensive against Israel, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people and the capture of approximately 250 captives, according to Israeli authorities.

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Palestinians,According to a statement released by the Hamas-controlled health ministry of Gaza on Saturday, Israel’s following military onslaught in Gaza has resulted in the deaths of at least 40,691 Palestinians and as many as 94,060 Palestinians have been injured.

Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States, stated today that a final hostage deal between Israel and Hamas is “very close,” but that Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to reach an agreement.

It adds to the great pressure that is being put on the Prime Minister of Israel, who was confronted with a general strike today due to his failure to negotiate a hostage settlement and public demonstrations over the weekend following the killing of six of those who were taken captive in Gaza.

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