UK Politics:  Lammy declares that the West “won’t be bullied by Putin” as demands for nuclear weapons for Kiev increase

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There was no decision made regarding the question of whether or not Ukraine is permitted to fire British long-range missiles into Russia during the meeting that took place this week between Joe Biden and Sir Keir Starmer to discuss defence.

In light of the fact that the prime minister is under pressure to allow Ukraine to launch British long-range missiles into Russia, the foreign secretary has stated that the United Kingdom and its allies will not be “bullied by Putin’s shameless grandstanding.” This statement was made in response to the fact that Putin is attempting to manipulate the situation.

During an appearance , David Lammy stated that the threats made by the Russian president to use nuclear weapons in the event that the West sends additional arms to Kyiv are “totally unacceptable.” Lammy made this statement in response to Phillips’s statement.

In order to allow Ukrainian forces to launch Storm Shadow long-range missiles into Russia, the Ukrainian government is coming under increased pressure from Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is the leader of the Ukrainian government. On the other hand, as a result of the conversations that took place in Washington this week between Sir Keir Starmer and Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States, there was no decision made.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer (left) and Foreign Secretary David Lammy at the British ambassador's residence in Washington DC before their meeting with US President Joe Biden where they'll hold talks on resolving the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Picture date: Friday September 13, 2024.

However, despite the fact that two officials from the United States who were familiar with the conversations indicated that they believed Sir Keir was attempting to secure US consent, which is essential due to the fact that Storm Shadow components are made in the United States, no decision was reached.

In his comments, Mr. Lammy noted that he was unable to go into detail about the particular reasons why a decision was not made. Having said that, he did conclude by saying, “There is a debate about additional missiles.”

Furthermore, we are having this discourse as allies, which is exactly what you would expect us to do; we are doing it.

“I am not going to discuss the operational detail of that because I’m not going to assist Putin as we head into the winter.”

He continued by stating, “It is completely unacceptable that Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons as frequently as every few months.”

Putin’s absurd grandstanding won’t be able to intimidate us.

“What he should now do is cease his aggression and leave Ukraine.”

Additionally, he said that Sir Keir has pledged to give Ukraine three billion pounds in aid and more missiles upon request, and he will keep up his support for Ukraine.

Mr. Lammy said that the issue of long-range missiles will be discussed again in the UN General Assembly the following week.

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Former foreign minister and shadow home secretary James Cleverly said it was “disappointing” that Sir Keir and Mr. Lammy had “failed to secure an international agreement for Ukraine to use these missiles.”

He said in his interview with Phillips that he “lobbied very, very hard” to give Ukraine the means to defend itself while serving as foreign secretary. Furthermore, he claimed that his nation “led the field” in providing long-range missiles.

“It’s complicated negotiations, but we’ve had a successful track record up until now, and I really hope that they will continue pushing on this,” he told the media.

The head of Ukraine’s NATO mission, Natalia Galibarenko, declared that the country’s government will “not give up” on its intention to seek the long-range missiles.

“Complicated” but “under control,” she told Trevor, adding that the counteroffensive into Russia has “not failed.”

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