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Wearable Technology Evolution

 A Transition from Time-telling Devices to Smartwatches

The advancement of wearable technology, or wearables for short, has come a long way from being a simple timepiece to becoming complex accessories that are now an integral part of the consumer electronic market. The evolution from simple wristwatches worn around the wrist to today’s smartwatches is flexible fashion, with functionality and technology. Now, let me introduce you to this amazing evolution and what can be expected from the wearables.

The Early Days: Timekeepers of the Wrist and Other Accoutrements

The first wearable technology was the wrist watch, though the idea goes back much farther. The history of wristwatches starts in the last part of the 19th century, and wristwatches were more a feminine accessory at the beginning. Pocket watches were primarily used by men until the outbreak of the First World War, where soldiers deemed wrist watches more convenient. These early wristwatches were mechanical, as the time had to be wound at regular intervals to keep it working.

The Digital Revolution

The last decade or the 1970s could be considered more important as digital watches emerged as a popular product type. Seiko’s first quartz wristwatch with an LCD that was launched in 1973 changed the world of timekeeping. With these digital watches came increased accuracy, as well as the creation of alarms, timers, and backlighting.

Enter the Smartwatch Era: Some scholars have referred to the birth of multifunctionality as the beginning of the communication era.

It can be suggested that the 21st century saw the emergence of new product class of smartwatches that incorporate both watch and computing features. Though Microsoft had started the trend in 2004 with the SPOT (Smart Personal Object Technology) watch – a watch that can receive news, weather reports and information messages through FM-radio signals. While it may not have had the kind of market reception that one would hope for, it did set the stage for further developments.

The Game Changer: This work discusses Apple’s entry into the new market.

The true marker of wearable technology came however, in 2015 with the advent of the Apple Watch. Apple’s push into wearables was transformative, setting the aesthetic and utility benchmarks for the new category. Apple Watch was not merely a gadget that assists people in telling the time; it was a fitness tracker, a health tool, and a communication accessory. It was able to monitor the heartbeat, the number of steps and could even perform Electrocadiograph or ECG test which were a giant leap in Personal health monitoring.

Expanding Horizons: The ability to monitor and regulate heath and fitness.

It has been observed that wearable technology has rapidly evolved within the health and fitness domain. More recent technology inventions include activity tracking watches from Fitbit, Garmin, Samsung and others that track and analyseaspects such as the amount of sleep an individual has had, the amount of oxygen in the blood. These wearables convey useful information and may hence assist a person in making decisions regarding their health and living patterns.

Beyond the Wrist: wearable technology article of New Frontiers in Wearables

Wearable technology has spread beyond the wrist thus becoming more diverse in the current society. It is not just smart glasses, wearable cameras, or even smart clothing; all these improvements are taking wearables to the next level. While receiving more of a critic, Google Glass served as a starting point for AR integration into people’s lives. On the other hand, what we are witnessing today are great partnerships between smart outfits such as Levi’s, and Google with touch sensitive smart fabrics for devices.

From the opinions of the experts, it is clear that artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the connected society, and that connectivity is the overarching factor that ties it all together.

With the enhancement of AI and the connectivity through 5G, wearable technology is being taken to the next level. AI helps in improving health, fitness, and wellness tracking and recommendations, and providing users with highly effective and easy to navigate interfaces. The feature of connectivity allows wearables to engage with other apparatuses and the internet, using real-time data to make analyses.

Wearable Technology: The Future

As a form of technology, wearables have an incredible future as technology keeps on evolving as we go about our daily lives. It may be possible to produce smaller and more adaptable gadgets in the future due to advances in nanotechnology and flexible electronics. Think about a scenario where by your smart wristband does more than monitor your health, but also alert you on conditions that you are likely to develop in future. Wearable technology will be integrated into the garment, so the human body will include smart clothes as a necessity for on-demand communication and even health tracking.

Additionally, there is a novel concept called the ‘Internet of Bodies’ (IoB), through which wearable and implantable technologies could constantly monitor our bodies and even interact with them in ways never before possible, offering an unprecedented level of control over our health and wellbeing.


From the humble wristwatches to the Smartwatches and beyond, the advancements in wearable technologies are a classic example of the advancement of human mind and the constant quest for improvement. As we consider where we are heading in the future, the application of advanced technologies in wearable devices will see wearables becoming even more much more central in our lives improving our health and productivity and connectivity to even unimaginable levels. Wearable technology is not yet over, and there are many longstanding possibilities to be seen in this area that will further transform the world.

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