Kit Harington Predicts His Kids Will Skip ‘Game of Thrones’: Why He Thinks They’ll Pass on the Epic Saga

A famous actor on HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” Kit Harington recently talked about why he thinks his kids, who he has with his wife and fellow “Game of Thrones” star Rose Leslie, will probably never be interested in watching the show. At the August 6 launch of his new show “Industry,” Harington talked openly with E! News about how the show has affected his family.

Even though “Game of Thrones” was a huge hit and has had a long effect on culture, Harington wasn’t sure if his kids would like the show. His three-year-old son and 12-month-old daughter might never understand how exciting the show was. Harington’s comments show a unique point of view from a star whose life has been strongly connected to the fantasy drama.

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Kit Harington reflects on his children’s future interest in ‘Game of Thrones’ and why he thinks they’ll pass on the fantasy epic.

Harington said in the interview that he doesn’t think his kids will like “Game of Thrones.” He said that because the show has adult themes and complicated plots, he thinks his kids might find it too intense or just not interesting. The dramatic plots, epic fights, and complicated political intrigue in the show might not be interesting to young people, so they probably won’t become interested in it.

People often have a romanticized view of celebrity kids who follow in their parents’ path, but Harington’s thoughts are the opposite. Many kids of famous actors become interested in their parents’ job later on, but Harington is honest about what “Game of Thrones” is like and how it fits with his family. His words show that he has a more realistic view of his kids’ possible media use. He is more interested in what they might naturally be interested in as they get older.

What the actor said also shows how different a parent’s work life is from their personal life. Harington knows that his kids’ tastes and hobbies may be very different from his own, even though “Game of Thrones” was a groundbreaking show that got great reviews and a huge fan base. He is still focused on taking care of his family and respecting his kids’ choices instead of forcing his own experiences on them.

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Will Kit Harington’s kids ever watch ‘Game of Thrones’? The actor shares his honest predictions at the premiere of his new series.

Harington was happy and excited about his new project, “Industry,” at the opening. It’s different from the fantasy world of Westeros. His work on the show shows how he is still growing as an actor, trying out new parts and stories besides the famous Jon Snow character. Harington used the opening to show how versatile he is and to celebrate his most recent work. He also talked about personal things in his life.

Harington is still figuring out his job and personal life, but his thoughts on how his kids might react to “Game of Thrones” show how he approaches being a parent. The actor’s honest admission that the show might make him less connected with his kids shows that he has thought about how to balance work and home life.

Finally, Kit Harington’s comments about how his kids probably aren’t interested in “Game of Thrones” show a realistic view of how personal and work lives overlap. Harington thinks that his young children might not find the show important to their lives, even though it has been a huge hit. He still cares about their health and interests, which shows that he has a balanced and thoughtful attitude to both his job and his family.

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