Miss Universe Nigeria Chidmma Adetshina Reveals Why She Quit Twitter Amid Backlash

Chidmma Adetshina, who is currently Miss Universe Nigeria, recently explained why she deleted her Twitter account: she got a lot of negative feedback about her nationality and her win in the famous beauty pageant. In an honest chat, the beauty queen, who has made waves in Nigeria and around the world, talked about the problems she had online, especially on Twitter, after she won.

A big reason Adetshina decided to stop using Twitter was because of all the mean comments and criticism she got after winning Miss Universe Nigeria. Many people who didn’t support her questioned her citizenship and whether she was allowed to represent Nigeria on such a world stage. There were even rumours that she might not be fully Nigerian. The controversy got worse on social media. Twitter turned into a place where people talked about her past and often said mean things about it. The beauty queen couldn’t take the constant attention and attacks on her person any longer, so she did something.

Adetshina made it clear in her statement that she closed her Twitter account to put her mental health first. She said that the mean things people said to her on the site were too much for her to handle and were hurting her emotional health. The current Miss Universe Nigeria said that the hateful comments on the internet were making her feel bad. She is proud of her background and accomplishments, but the hateful comments were making her feel bad. She said that she had to stop using Twitter in order to get back in charge of her mental and emotional health.

Adetshina also talked about the debate over her nationality straight on. She said she is proud to be Nigerian and is fully qualified for the Miss Universe Nigeria title. She said that she has always been proud to be Nigerian and is still committed to serving her country on the world stage, despite the rumours and false information that are going around online. The beauty queen also said that the attacks on her online were caused by misunderstandings. She thinks that her decision to stop using Twitter will help her focus on her duties as Miss Universe Nigeria.

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More and more, social media sites like Twitter have become places where public figures and celebrities are closely watched. Adetshina is not the first person to leave Twitter because of how toxic it can be. The choice made by the beauty queen has made people talk about how social media can affect mental health, especially for people who are always in the public eye, like pageant winners.

Adetshina is still positive and focused on her rule as Miss Universe Nigeria, even though there has been backlash. She told her fans how grateful she is that they have stood by her through the trouble. In recent talks, she talked about how important it is to take care of yourself and put your mental health first, especially for people who are in the public eye. 

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Many people were moved by Chidmma Adetshina’s honest explanation of why she deleted her Twitter account. This led to a larger discussion about bad people online and the stresses that come with being famous. Adetshina is determined to ignore the bad things that are said about her and stay focused on her goals as she continues her journey as Miss Universe Nigeria. She wants to use her position to inspire and boost other people.

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