UK Culture: After the riots in the UK, thousands of police officers are anticipated at the Notting Hill Carnival.

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On Sunday, there will be a celebration of Caribbean culture in Notting Hill, which is expected to attract over one million people. However, law enforcement authorities will be on the watch for anybody who are attempting to sneak into the event.

The Metropolitan Police have stated that there will be a “very significant policing presence” at the Notting Hill Carnival that will take place this year.

In the weeks that followed the outbreak of rioting and violent disorder on streets all around the United Kingdom, seven thousand officers are scheduled to be on duty.

According to Matthew Phillip, chief executive officer of the Notting Hill Carnival, “Those [riots] highlight why carnival is set up in the first place,” that is the explanation.

It is said that funfair is the most significant celebration of social cohesion and inclusiveness that takes place in the United Kingdom. It was established with the intention of bringing together groups that come from a variety of backgrounds, and it continues to do so almost sixty years later.”

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There is an expectation that approximately one million individuals will take part in the yearly festivities. In the 1960s, the Notting Hill Carnival was established as a means of bringing together the various immigrant populations that populate London.

It is one of the street parties that has been going on for the longest amount of time in the United Kingdom. It is a celebration of Caribbean culture that has performers dressed in colourful costumes taking part in a march through the streets featuring dancing and music.

Ever since she was 18 years old, Shauna Narine has been performing at carnivals.

Ms. Narine remarked this as she unwrapped a bright pink costume in preparation for Monday’s celebration. “It shows how Caribbean people were able to come here through the Windrush generation and leave such a big impact on London so much so that the entire city is celebrating,” she added.

Tamsin Salfrais trying on a big blue feathered collar
Tamsin Salfrais trying on a big blue feathered collar which she’ll wear to the carnival.

“It means a lot to me, to my family, and to Caribbean people.”

According to her, the funfair happens to be particularly significant this year.

“A lot of rage and a lot of unpleasant feelings were the only things driving those protests. I believe that this is the complete opposite of what I had anticipated; it is all love, and everyone is simply pouring out. I believe that love will always strengthen hate, which means that it is going to be very, very powerful.

More than five hundred people have been arrested at the Notting Hill Carnival over the course of the past two years. Additionally, there have been fifteen stabbings leading to one fatality, and more than one hundred and twenty-five police officers have been assaulted.

The Metropolitan Police have declared their intention to maintain a policing presence that is both large and reasonable.

“Officers have been briefed around their powers, and they are aware of their powers,” explained Charmain Brenyah, the Commander of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It is expected that they will behave in a balanced manner. The primary objective of the event is to ensure that we are in favour of a funfair that is both safe and secure.

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