UK Politics: A Royal Family Secret, Diana’s Letter Sheds New Light on William’s Bond with Harry.

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There will be an auction to sell a letter that Diana, Princess of Wales, described as “intimate.” The letter reveals how Prince William “adores his little brother” and how he smothers him with embraces and kisses over the course of their playtime together.

A note that harkens back to happier times will be deemed all the more poignant in light of the ongoing divide that remains between the two brothers. This note will be considered to be all the more significant. A mother’s love for her sons is depicted in the note, which is full of pride.

It is one of the many items that the late Princess sent to Violet Collison, who had previously worked as the family’s housekeeper. In order to put it up for sale, it was one of the items that Violet Collison received.

Park House, which was situated on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, was the place of residence of Ms. Collison, whom the Princess affectionately called Collie. Her parents relied on her as their primary housekeeper for many years.

The Princess, along with her three siblings, Sarah, Jane, and Charles, were all born during her time there, and she voiced her happiness at the arrival of all of them.

Princess Diana with her sons Prince Harry and Prince William

The communication, which Sworders is currently auctioning off at an auction in Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, makes it abundantly clear that the two women stayed in touch with one another throughout the princess’s life. The sale is currently taking place.

A few words about the Princess’s life at the time are regularly included in the letters, despite the fact that the majority of the letters are thank-you cards for birthday and Christmas presents that were presented to Diana and the two sons. Specifically addressed to Diana and her younger brothers, these letters were written. It does not affect the fact that this is the proper scenario, despite the fact that the majority of the messages are thank-you notes.

Diana conveyed her gratitude to Collie for the gift that was given to Harry on the occasion of his first Christmas day in a letter that she wrote from Kensington Palace on September 25, 1984. The letter was written in gratitude for the gift that was given to Harry. The letter that was written in response to the gift that was provided served as the source of inspiration for the letter.

She came up with the comment that “William is completely smitten with his younger brother, Harry, and spends the entire time showering him with an endless supply of hugs and kisses.” She was the one who conceived of this remark in the first place.

Diana's letter to Collie

The date of the letter, which was written on notepaper from Buckingham Palace and had a format that was double-sided, was July 8, 1981. This date corresponded to three weeks prior to the royal wedding.

During the course of the paper, Diana wrote the following: “Everyone is frantically busy here doing last-minute decorations… the bride-to-be has remained quite calm!”

On December 26, 1982, her son William, who was only six months old at the time, left a message stating that he was “totally befuddled by the event of Christmas but couldn’t take his eyes off the lights.” On December 13, 1984, the Princess stated in another letter that was written two years later, “William found the parcels and dived into the paper before I could stop him.” This letter was sent on December 13 of that same year. It was revealed in this letter that William had opened the presents prior to the Christmas holiday.

Cards written to Collie from the late Princess Diana

Following the divorce of Diana’s parents, Collie moved to London in 1967 to work for Frances Shand Kyd and her new husband. She remained there until 1973, when she retired and moved back to Norfolk.

Collie passed away in 2013, when she was 89 years old.

During the Out of the Ordinary Sale, which will take place on July 30th, a collection of more than a dozen letters and cards will be listed for sale.

All of the notes are projected to bring between £200 and £1,200 at auction, with the few that mention William and Harry being the ones that are anticipated to sell for the highest amount.

The series of letters and cards

When Luke Macdonald, director of Sworders Auctioneers, was explaining the letters, he used the phrase “so intimate” to describe them. He was describing them in his description.

It is something that, out of the little groups that the Royal family frequents, we probably would not be aware of if we were not aware of them. If we were not aware of them, we would not be aware of them. The fact that we are aware of them is contingent upon our not being aware of them. However, the fact that we are aware of them is dependent on the fact that we are not aware of them.

As an illustration of how kind, kind, and generous Diana was, the fact that she wanted to express her gratitude for a nice gift, despite the fact that it was a very small one, is a good example of this. This is demonstrated by the fact that she desired to convey her appreciation for the assistance she received.

There was a statement that he made about Collie, and it was as follows: “She was a constant in Diana’s life, somebody she could relate to and possibly even escape from the world that she was in.” The aforementioned declaration was made at a certain point in time. She had the utmost respect for her, and the degree of sympathy that she showed toward her was extraordinary. She valued her the most.

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