US politics: Following the news of abortion-related deaths, Harris in Georgia will criticize President Trump.

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On Friday, Kamala Harris will deliver statements in the Atlanta region regarding Donald Trump’s role in the development of abortion prohibitions that now cover a significant portion of the United States. These remarks will come only a few days after it was reported that two Georgia moms had passed away as a result of their inability to obtain legal abortions and proper medical care.

In the weeks that have passed since Harris was selected as the Democratic contender for president, she has made reproductive rights a primary focus of her campaign activities. As a result of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, which set the way for more than a dozen states to ban practically all abortions, she has travelled across the country to bring attention to the implications that this decision will have for healthcare.

In light of the fact that Trump chose three of the Supreme Court judges who reversed the landmark decision, Harris has placed the finger of blame at the former president for Roe’s removal from office. In addition, her campaign has criticised Republicans for repeatedly obstructing Senate proposals that would have established a federal right to in vitro fertilisation. This is a popular fertility therapy that had its future placed into doubt when Roe v. Wade was overturned.

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This week, ProPublica was the first to report the deaths of Georgia moms Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller. The fatalities came as a direct result of Georgia’s decision to prohibit abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. According to ProPublica, the maternal mortality review committee in Georgia concluded after looking into the circumstances of both women that their deaths might have been preventable.

Doctors from all around the country have stated that the exceptions to the state’s abortion law are so ambiguous that they are impossible to implement, despite the fact that Georgia allows abortions in cases of medical emergencies. As an alternative, physicians have stated that they are compelled to observe until patients become unwell enough for them to legally interfere.

ProPublica reported that Thurman’s body was unable to completely eliminate the foetal tissue after she took abortion pills in 2022 to end a pregnancy. This is a rare problem that has the potential to be extremely detrimental. There was a twenty-hour delay in administering a normal procedure to the 28-year-old patient, which resulted in her developing sepsis. During an emergency operation, her heart suddenly stopped beating.

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Earlier this week, Harris issued a statement regarding Thurman in which she said, “This young mother ought to be alive, raising her son and pursuing her dream of attending nursing school.” This is precisely what we thought would happen when Roe was taken out of the picture.

Throughout his time on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has alternated between boasting about his role in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, expressing his displeasure with the fact that Republicans’ staunch anti-abortion attitudes have been a factor in the loss of the Republican races, and reversing his own position on the procedure.

The availability of abortion has emerged as one of the most important concerns for voters over the course of the past two years, and Democrats are hoping that the fury that has been generated by Roe v. Wade will propel them to victory at the polls in November. Abortion-related ballot measures are scheduled to be held in ten states, including the strategically important battleground states of Nevada and Arizona. This might potentially increase voter participation among the Democratic base.

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